High Dimension® Awakened Healing Programme
A personal and spiritual transformational alignment to new earth energy CONSCIOUS ADVANCED HEALING
Support to gain confidence to level up & lead your life fully.
High Dimension® Awakened Healing Programme
Personal & Spiritual Development
A course that you are responsible for your ascension!
Work on yourself and be supported for 3 Months
- held over 3 days (1 month apart each level)
Personal Development &
Spiritual Alignment Teachings
“Self Transformation”
- Inner Healing & Stepping up into YOU..
with LIVE Teachings & Mentoring
Direct booking links below for 2024
* EARLY-BIRD places are available but limited to 1st come 1st serve basis
until latest - 8th AUG 11.45pm - save 10% £97.70
(will show on order form if still available earlybird places)
* If you cannot attend on a Friday - notify me when booked, you will be given access to the workshop to do in your own time, BEFORE the foundation Sat 5th Oct begins - full dates & details below in description.
The programmes format is held over 3 months..
Dates for each weekend stated below in course description
The most aligned way to attend this course (is as it was 'given - 333),
is to attend - 3 days each level, held 1 month apart.
You also save considerably this way as it is encouraged energetically.
The course remains as a 3 part course of levels to complete fully (not individually)
- this is my energetic responsibility to you for healing & progression on a soul level.
Do you want begin with just attending the
Raising vibration.. Working in the new energies workshop?
Commit to YOU..
This requires YOU to invest in YOU, without the labels!!
NOTE: Early bird places are limited to each course and will automatically finish 1 month before start date or before if full.
Course Start Date - begins..
Let’s Meet LIVE online and take action, embrace change and actively participate together in working through both your personal ascension and the collective awakening shifts..
Your energy is seeking and 'CALLING' NOW, for your AUTHENTIC & UNIQUE Self, to emerge fully and confidentially.
To align, find and LIVE your Soul Purpose.. Join now
- This course will create a High Dimension® Space for you to bring it out..
Delve deep within - all held online with the sacred teaching space
- High Dimension® Portal - 24/7 Access
Here.. You have come 'HOME'..
"As you take this deep inner soul calling, I will hold sacred space, somewhere you can have totally for you, your development, raising of YOUR vibration through and beyond the seeking, so you consciously shift energetically, manage breakthroughs of magnitude, shift sub conscious limiting personal beliefs of yourself, so that you may learn to TRUST you more deeply, your direction, your inner compass is revealed, once acceptance of this SURRENDER to allow way beyond your mind takes place in this natural process of ascension.
Conscious change at soul level to attend, allows you to SHOW UP for you, to be guided 'back to you' to reveal depths of your inner wisdom, to help move you through your inner critic, through your glass ceiling that you cannot truly 'see', because yourself confidence to shine as bright as you need to has been dimmed, maybe by you.
YOU will be challenged but FREE, sending YOU back to yourself, time and again until you emerge whole, with direction, courage and peace to continue." - Tracee Cullen
Reconnect WITH you, gain TRUST in YOURSELF, emerge to Find who YOU are through the layers..After so much previous internal work and healing YOU'RE NOW READY for this!
Align and manifest your inner wisdom, knowing of the world to your physical reality!
The course has 3 levels..
(Dates for each level are listed further down)
Each level BEGINS & COMPLETES with a LIVE IN PERSON ONLINE session with 1.5 - 2 hour Tracee Cullen, that will support you, give opportunity for guidance, questions and discussion.
This also gives additional teachings, aligns with current energy and the level of awareness relevant to to course level, before having at least a month between to the next level, as you we achieve so much empowerment through living your daily life, embodying the teachings and your shift in energy. You will be able to apply everything within your actual life 'creating your reality' and 'conscious change' where you feel called to, and you will be supported with mentoring for the whole process.
Consciously raising your vibration through your commitment to you and ability to surrender!
Initial 1 day workshop
10 days Total course (including 1 day workshop)
Each course level is 3 days - self paced
You will have 1 week to complete each level - however you need to complete each day separately, with focus & good peaceful energetic space. This part is self paced so that you can manage your own energy & commitment to the course.
Payment plan options to support your journey..
1 year Access & direct support
Mentoring throughout the 3 months course
*Bonus given - 1 month FREE Access
High Dimension® Awakened Inner Circle
& Meditation Library
**For non members to support you through this course.
See the testimonials further down the page.. see what others say!
A note of honesty from me, Tracee..
This is the best valued way in terms of energy, linear time, financial exchange and commitment to invest in yourself, with the deepest transformation.. it really will be life changing and you will 'feel' the calling to attend, to bring more light into your life and how you live your purpose.. this is my SIGNATURE course.. with 3 months dedicated support.
So much energy & experience has been poured into this channelled, 3 part level transformational inward exploration programme.. yet I have CONSCIOUSLY not made the exchange to what the equivalent 'out there would be' as it would reach several thousand £'s based on the transformation, that is ultimately what people pay for, however all the testimonials give you that confirmation - so I am hoping not to devalue these teachings, but to reach those that know within that this is a calling, just as I did, to 'attend'.
It was channelled, yes.. but needed much energy and my life experience to share it with you!
In fact, so much so..
..that I stopped teaching other healing modalities in 2019 such as Reiki Healing and Reiki Master Training (over time, I have taught many master teachers that continue that valued path), which is a good stepping stone (but not essential) into this advanced healing, and conscious shift into new vibration. My focus is to support people for an INTERNAL advanced healing process, a different process of shifting through our conditioning, deeper way beyond our initial awakening and self healing, it is about helping others transform their healing into New Vibration, this way.
"This was completely channelled and 'given' in 2016, and on writing it and doing much work to get it into a teaching format, I actually read it and learnt from it myself!" - Tracee Cullen
Aligned to NEW VIBRATION, a conscious life changing path that will support your energy field at soul level, raise your vibration to YOUR next level, which is different for everyone.
We must choose to know more, adapt and embrace the conscious changes we have make, to align our lives authentically in the CURRENT energy - without labels!
See you on the inside!
Tracee Cullen
High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings.
Channelled initially in 2016
"This process provides an incredible transformation for ALL who attend and choose to participate in 'walking their talk' ..
Revisit sessions with 1 year access | Replays 24/7 and each time you choose to revisit the sessions throughout the year, to do another level of inner work, you will again raise your vibration some more. We never stop evolving as intuitives, empaths, and teachers - we just need safe, experienced space to do so. Here it is!
Nothing is taught 'at you' or to 'learn' .. it is simply a process that walks you through deep soul transformation, that comes from within YOU, so no matter what your level of consciousness, you will 'get what you need' from this, through simply surrendering.. you will initiate a deeper level of healing (than whatever YOU have previously experienced) and be shifting consciousness continually in current energy, that shifts in us ALL EVERY moment."
- Tracee Cullen
SIGNATURE Transformational Course - Alignment into NEW VIBRATION (Also now called New Earth Vibration)
3 months teaching. mentoring & support with TRACEE CULLEN for complete course..
with LIVE tuition on course access date for each level
Excellent results and completion..
EVERY PERSON that has attended this course since birthed and launched in 2016 has completed it in FULL.
*except 1 person which was under exceptional circumstances and unavoidable, but to refuse them to attend.
** 2 people have been unable to continue at the time due to life experiences, but followed though at a later date to complete & have gone on to do wonderful things!
1 Day - workshop | Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies
- Pre requiste to course | Immediate access on booking | Self paced - complete before start date of foundation course
1 Weekend - 3 days | Foundation level
1 Weekend - 3 days | Awaken level
1 Weekend - 3 days | Ascend level
It's such a unique process and works internally like 'rocket fuel' for the soul as one participate explained it! that each level builds in changing vibration, and therefore all need to be worked through and time given between each level to 'settle' energy.
Each level is a full weekend, you start at 10am and we meet ONLINE for a LIVE session, held at 11.30am for approx 2 hours, you can then work through the process, resources and content at your own pace over the weekend, with on hand support whenever needed and we collectively meet again on the following Tuesday evening at 5.30pm - 7pm to complete the level.
Each level is held 1 month apart to allow energy shifts & alignment.
Supportive mentoring & guidance for 3 months.
3 levels of teachings
Raising Vibration in the New Energies as preparation energetically,
followed by Foundation - Awaken - Ascend

High Dimension® Teacher,
Mentor & Retreat Facilitator
"You already have an insight that you need to release a whole 'old' PARADIGM of learning on a deeper level than your mind / awareness is allowing you to do, to create REAL change in your life and impact others more deeply and you need the SPACE , an experienced space to hold you for a change!
"This was completely channelled and 'given' in 2016, and on writing it and doing much work to get it into a teaching format,
I actually read it and learnt from it myself!" - Tracee Cullen
"This is beyond the layers of the 'onion', it is shedding a whole lifetime of what has served you well, but now become stagnant energy."
So many changes need to occur within us to be able to even 'see' the way forward, we have many conscious aspects of ourselves and abilities through BEing the channel, the intuitive, empath, 'awakened soul'..
They often include..
- Shifting through all that keeps holding you back.. from fully aligning your life & work VOCATION
- Clearing (re occuring) shadow energy.. and the residue of what your initial awakening manifested
- Getting out of your own way.. allow yourself to surrender into BEING (and how to, authentically)
- Allowing the magnitude of what you're here to do.. to manifest into physical reality
(beyond what your mind allows you to vision)
- Knowing how to manage energetically.. when you're repeating patterns.. turn it around!
- Leveling up to do what your meant to do.. whilst your here on the earth plain.. Actively participate..
- Aligning to New Vibration & BEing.. there is a difference & it's TRUSTING whats here and coming..
Getting started..
Initially you start with the 1 Day Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies Workshop
(this is a pre requisite to the full course & can also be taken separately as an introduction or insight to new vibrational working).
- to raise your vibration and explore the ascension process, as well as align yourself physically & spiritually to the present current energy
- this is also included in the price of the FULL course options.
Take this opportunity..
"I invite you to take this opportunity to attend this extensive, comprehensive and intensive course, that delivers the energetic SPACE, support and ascension required for the transformation your soul is seeking - this is to assist those ready to use this current global ascension for personal & spiritual transformation, to meet yourself more deeply. In finding YOU, through the layers and processing ALL that you have 'endured on your path' so far to raise your vibration some more and align into NEW ENERGY, walk your talk - allowing yourself an opportunity to create more conscious change in ALL aspects your life. Create and more importantly LIVE the FREEDOM you know in your heart." - Tracee Cullen.
What do people say that have attended this course?
- There are more written & video testimonials further down the page also.

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Celei D - West Midlands
"I put teachings off with Tracee for a year or so as I didn't feel good enough/wise enough to be a part of such an open awakened group, this year still drawn to her teachings I knew I had to take that step into the unknown and i'm so glad I did. I showed up for myself! I felt stuck for the last few month and Tracee shone a light on to why that was and reassured how that is part of the process however it can be fast tracked with this course (as long as you walk the walk!) Thank you Tracee, Namaste x"
Awaken Level Testimonial
"A journey within. A journey only you can make, custom made by YOU.. a ride with ups and downs and a journey that will change your life (FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD!)! Thank you Tracee."

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Celei D - West Midlands
"I put teachings off with Tracee for a year or so as I didn't feel good enough/wise enough to be a part of such an open awakened group, this year still drawn to her teachings I knew I had to take that step into the unknown and i'm so glad I did. I showed up for myself! I felt stuck for the last few month and Tracee shone a light on to why that was and reassured how that is part of the process however it can be fast tracked with this course (as long as you walk the walk!) Thank you Tracee, Namaste x"
Awaken Level Testimonial
"A journey within. A journey only you can make, custom made by YOU.. a ride with ups and downs and a journey that will change your life (FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD!)! Thank you Tracee."

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Richard W - Cornwall
"This course is for anyone who feels there is more to our vibration here on earth and that there is a greater calling for us all. We are all here to remember our natural way of being which is living from our hearts in love and compassion."
How would you describe this process, and why it works for you?
The process for me is to become aware of our intrinsic power that cannot be felt in 3D and when we become aware of the higher dimensions the magic returns to our spirit and miracles happen. Its something that I have been aware of but its not on everyone's lips I have not looked at it much which this course has allowed me to do.
Awaken Level Testimonial
"This course is the pathway to your inner wisdom that lay dormant but you knew was always there"

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Martin F - West Devon
"If you feel that you have reached a point in your progression and aren't sure why you feel how you feel or what to do - if you're feeling lost, this can help to realign you with your authentic self and life purpose."
Awaken Level Testimonial
"I now feel more able to understand why my life has taken this path, that it is a necessary part of ascension and have tools to help me deal with it."

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Vicci C - Essex
"I couldn’t recommend this workshop and course enough! Not only does Tracee teach in a professional but warm manner, her whole energy will bring the best energy out of you as a student. There’s no “fluff and glitter” about this journey, but once you’ve been drawn to dive in you will feel supported, encouraged and safe. When you are ready to invest in yourself, Tracee is here to invest her time in you. Definitely a decision you won’t regret!"
Awaken Level Testimonial
"Another amazing part of the journey! Fully supported and loved while facing challenging realisations of healing needed for self to settle into peace.

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Bry W - Nottinghamshire
"Rocket fuel for the soul to get you back on track and where you were always meant to ‘BE’"
How would you describe this process, and why it works for you?
"Transformational at a deep energetic level. It works for me because we take full responsibility for our own healing."
Awaken Level Testimonial
"If you are serious about raising your vibration…….take this course. You will not be disappointed."

Raising Vibration Workshop & Foundation Level
Jess P - Devon
"This course depending on your life experiences and life views gives you either a fresh approach to how you see life or adds depth to what you already know, probably a bit of both. One thing is for sure you won’t come out the same as you came into it."
Thinking about joining me for this High Dimension Course?
These amazing souls did - check out what they had to say...
Hear from those who have taken this programme.. VIDEO's below..
Enter your text here...
Video testimonial
"I wanted to leave a review for Traccee Cullen's High DImension & Awaken Healing, 3 month course. Its really hard to put into words, to quantify what I have gained from it, other than I feel it in my body.. I have felt more clamer, more connected, more peaceful, more on purpose, more in love with life, it sounds a bit cheesy but it really is not, I really love my life. To give some context last October I really didn't love my life, I was really a bit directionless, my energy was quite stagnant, stuck, I was trying to move up a gear and I was really struggling to, what each level of the course gave me, was to let go of what was no longer serving me."
Pamela G - Empowerment Coach, Counsellor & Reiki Master Teacher - Gloucestershire
Video testimonial
"It's really, I think transformed my life, I was feeling a bit stuck before and like I had lost my way a little bit."
"I would really recommend it to anybody, I just feel like I have learn't skills for life now and I feel like I have been given a 2nd chance, I been given that excitement again to continue on with me journey."
Luce -Victoria Harris - Cornwall
Video testimonial
"I wanted to deepen my spiritual awareness, a way to look deeper within myself as well as understand current energy and the awakening. I found the programme was even better than I thought, great support and live sessions were absolutely amazing. This wasn't easy but big changes and I recommend it to anyone. Doing it online has been great to revisit"
Lucy M - Meditation Teacher & Colon Hydrotherapist & Life Coach - Cambridgeshire
Enter your text here...
Video testimonial
"You will know when you are ready for this course. You will have had something happen in your life and you want to create a better life for yourself whether internally or externally. This course is incredible. You have someone to guide you every step of the way, you will have to do the work yourself and go inwards yourself but Tracee will be holding space and if you need some additional support just log back on to the course and get some help through a video or meditation. A truly life changing course, not for the faint hearted, but so so so worth it in every area of your life. I finally became free."
Lexi Dells - Alex - Meditation Teacher & Music Teacher - Cornwall
Video testimonial
"A sure path of getting to know yourself at soul level"
Kev Dunn - Reiki Master & Builder - Somerset
Video testimonial
"what an amazing experience, although uncertain what I was coming to!! Great to reconnect."
Sarah Dowson - Nurse - Devon
SO.. What is this “High Dimension®” Courses All About...
And what do we actually get done with our 3 months together?
Having SPACE between each level allows your vibration to raise and shift all that rises up within, to really make a conscious change in all aspects that the UNIVERSE WILL SHOW YOU, in between and after each level!!
. It brings physical and spiritual changes that are tangible.
The universe supports this process and brings everything around to choose differently - its quite amazing really..
Clearing our energy system is essential and learning how to look after our energy, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own energy, development and uniqueness.
We must learn how to ALLOW ourselves to LIVE FULLY and unapologetically..
We also learn, through 'feeling vibration' how we are not separate from nature, or each others energy field
The deeper aspects of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy, requires the attention and complete focus to really find ourselves at this stage of the evolution. These are incredible times we are living and we came here to do this..
We know this and yet can feel tired and maybe even at times want to 'exit' but the desire to create the new world is more.
Raise Vibration.. the main reason we are all here in the first place right? :-)
3 months of shared Teachings & support
1 year access - take course in your own time & access 24/7
Here is a personal message from me, via VIDEO - an overview (from 2022)..
Format for each level
Content access is given 10am on start day & Live session follows at 11.30am (approx 1.5 - 2 hours)
Remaining course access follows, for you to work through in own time over the week.
a minimum of 1 Month gap between levels to allow for shift in vibration.
An additional LIVE session also follows each level on a Tuesday evening at 6pm GMT (stated below with course dates).
Price for each course
- The complete course dates BEGINING for June 2024 -
Includes ALL 4 levels - complete course including the 1 day initial workshop!
Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies - 1 Day workshop | Foundation | Awaken | Ascend Courses
BOOKING your place
- is a commitment to YOUSELF, rather than the course!
Book full course for - £977
Earlybird places available - SAVE 10% £97.70
*includes 10 days teaching held over 3 Courses
* Includes 8 live sessions over 3 levels (with Tracee Cullen)
*Includes 3 months mentoring
Individual Course Levels for the programme - LEVEL (LEvel II is teacher Level)
**Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies Workshop £95
+ Foundation £345
+ Awaken £365
+ Ascend £395
A responsibility for our ascension is present and ethical in support throughout.
This is to honour the FULL process that was 'given' with care for conscious healing & energetic resonance
- its a PROCESS for sure!
Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies - 1 Day workshop
Begin at 1am | LIVE at 11.30 - 1pm & then work at your own pace
£ 95.00
Foundation - 3 Days
Earth Healing - BEcoming
Awaken - 3 days
Core Healing - Heart
Ascend - 3 days
Awareness Healing - Spirit
What does the price Include..?
1 Day Workshop + 3 levels of transformational Courses - for the full course
High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings - continued support - 1 year access
1 Day Workshop
3 Days Foundation - 3 days
3 days Awaken - 3 days
3 days Ascend - 3 days
*This includes the sessions that need depth and additional inner work.
Plus Additional Bonus for 2024 HDA&HP Courses
*I Month Free Access to the Awakened Inner Circle ONLINE Group worth £22
*FREE Access 1 month to the Meditation Library - invaluable!
**Applies if not all ready a member of the Awakened Inner Circle
Course Dates & Timings..
You are required to be present and make this course | YOU, your priority for the whole weekend.
At this LEVEL of Consciousness is to dedicate and invest this 'linear time' in your development.
The transformation is Life Changing! - without doubt..
Start Date for 2024 - Friday 4th October 2024
Content released on each level start day with a morning live session. then work at your own pace for that week.
Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies
Begins Friday 4th October at 10am - LIVE session at 11.30am - 1pm
If you cannot attend on a friday then notify me after you have booked your place and you will be sent access to attend the workshop to complete in your own time, before the foundation level begins.
(You can also book this as a stand alone 1 Day workshop - book here however it is already included in the cost of full programme option)
1 day workshop to gain insight into current energy, guidance, meditation & methods to align yourself physically and spiritually,
consciously working to bring clarity and perspective to the path ahead for you and collectively.
Foundation Course
Starts Saturday 5th October 2024 @10am in portal & then LIVE Mentoring session @11.30am - 1pm
- You will then receive the FOUNDATION level, 3 Days course content which you have 1 week to complete in your own time & pace.
- Follow up LIVE session will be held ONLINE in the High Dimension® Portal @6pm GMT on Monday 14th October 2024 for approx 1 to 1.5 hour for completion of this level.
Awaken Course
Saturday 9thNovember 2024 @10am in portal & then LIVE Mentoring session @11.30am - 1pm
You will then receive the AWAKEN level, 3 Days course content which you have 6 days to complete in your own time & pace.
- Follow up LIVE session will be held ONLINE in the portal @6pm GMT on Monday 18th November 2024 for approx 1 to 1.5 hour for completion of this level.
Ascend Course
Starts Saturday 7th December 2024 @10am in portal & then LIVE Mentoring session @11.30am - 1pm
You will then receive the ASCEND level, 3 Days course content which you have 5 days to complete in your own time & pace.
- Follow up LIVE session will be held ONLINE in the portal @6pm on Monday 16th December 2024 for approx 1 to 1.5 hour for completion of this level and the full programme.
YOU WILL use the 1 month break between levels to settle your energy and allow for a raise in your vibration.
This you will need, to also navigate the universal 'tests' that are naturally given to support your conscious soul choices.
Please note ** to complete the course all levels need to be attended.
The Intense immersion of this course enables a profound life change so you MUST be willing
to do the work and give yourself the 'time' and permission to do it!
Video testimonial
- Marion H
Marion H -
"I have 'found' gained 'discovered' so much. Thank you universe. Thank you everyone.x."
Video testimonial
- Stephanie B
Spiritual Healer
& Teacher
"Really enjoyed the course - all totally resonates. Thank you"

Glastonbury - Awakened Healing Programme

Chalice Well Retreat Glastonbury - SPACE for the Awakened Healing Programme
Completing the Programme as an ONLINE Course
For me this is because I teach worldwide and here we can meet across time & space
My High Dimension® Portal | Sacred Teaching Space was created in 2017 it took a year of exceptional hard work and live 2018.
This course is held online within the High Dimension® Portal - a professional academy..
with in person LIVE mentoring with Tracee Cullen holding space, which is where a lot of the transformation happens. :-)
..and so it can be completed across 'time & space', no matter where you are located!
Bringing likeminded souls together with this level of delving deep within, available to enjoy the experience of completing the High Dimension® Awakened & Healing Programme ONLINE through my 'High Dimension Portal' - a stand alone Website for all High Dimension Groups, Workshops & Courses receiving exactly the same teachings & supported with LIVE Mentoring throughout the course as I used to do in different locations across the UK and overseas. This is a sacred ONLINE space with private access for participants.
3 months Mentoring & support through High Dimensional teachings
- work through at your own pace - 1 year Access
ONLINE - High Dimension® Portal - Sacred Learning Space
The High Dimension® Portal - Sacred Online Private Space:
Current energetic Shifts
Each session we navigate the current energetic & vibrational shifts that are occurring both individually & collectively for Spiritual & Self Development.
24/7 online Community
This group has its own community chat facility & forum that can be accessed 24/7 through the online High Dimension Portal.
High Dimension Meditation
Is a New Vibration way of meditation - going within, which is a very natural process that anyone can do & is about simply 'Being'. It will transform your inner calm.
LIVE sessions - Mentoring
Held throughout the 6 weeks course to support your development & learning - delivered LIVE by Tracee Cullen.
Like minded souls
Each group for this Programme is of Awakened vibration and therefore a supportive energetic space for like minded souls all resonating with the Awakening.
All learning material is accessible whenever you want to throughout the 1 year access to the Portal so you can replay as much as you like.
Questions & Answers..
* You cannot book weekends separately, due to the layers of deep inner work.
It is a 'holistic' process and there is a responsibility to assist our energy field which is essential.
* This experience creates lifestyle change & you will take action for a New start
* You will feel confident to do what YOU want to do and this is a very exciting energy to bring this into your awareness, you may well shock people by your choices that are not aligned to following what does not resonate, but trusting yourself to rise like the phoenix !
Feel the fear & do it anyway - When we are 'called' we KNOW.
JOIN the 3 days a month | held over - 3 months
“Self Transformation”
High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Course
HELD ONLINE - available access 24/7
Let’s Meet LIVE within the Portal and Actually work through
both your individual & collective Awakening shifts..
Seeking your Authentic & Unique Self.. find your Life Purpose
1 Simple Step to...
Join Like Minded Souls.. Navigate the Vibrational Shifts together..
Established group..
Expanding to reach you!
You no longer need to do this journey of Awakening alone - The Online Awakened Inner Circle (that you receive FREE access for 1 month) was established in 2013 (originally delivered at my centre in Devon).. NOW it has expanded to become an ONLINE group reaching those who collectively resonate wherever you live - Like minded souls all navigating the same journey.. 'Our experiences may be different but the lessons are the same'!
Namaste, Tracee cullen.xx

Namaste Everyone
Tracee Cullen - High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings
Intuitive | Channel | Healer |
Facilitator & Teacher Trainer, Spiritual Mentor
Delivering High Dimension® Meditation, Workshops, Courses & Retreats.
Established Holistic & Spiritual Centre - since 2004
Full time Teacher & Mentor - since 2008
Facilitator of High Dimension® 'Finding You' Spiritual Retreats - since 2011
- North Devon, Glastonbury, Greek Islands, India & Sri Lanka
International & UK facilitator of High Dimension® Events, Talks, Workshops & Courses - since 2013
Established High Dimension® ONLINE Portal - sacred learning space - since 2018
Soul Transformation - through Healing, Meditation & Empowerment
©Copyright Tracee Cullen 2004 - 2024 www.traceecullen.com Privacy Terms & Conditions