- a supportive network of likeminded souls & High Dimension® Intuitive teachings
High Dimension®
Awakened Inner Circle.
Welcome 'home'..
Do you help others on their path & would YOU like a supportive, new vibration nourishing group - with your 'LEVEL' of awareness?
The Awakened Inner Circle is a supportive network of likeminded 'spiritual' souls..
- A space & 'pot of Gold' to keep your vibration high, energised and able to give and receive support.
- To share good High Vibrational conversation, where you can BE REAL and navigate the continued COLLECTIVE ascension path TOGETHER - NOTHING is too 'out there' in this group!
- Support each other through community chat and forum, keep networking and sharing.
- Supportive High Dimension Intuitive Teachings | Tools | Meditation to help you to keep yourself realigned to 'BEING'.
- Soul sessions to keep processing CURRENT ENERGY & integrating your continuous flow, evolving YOUR spiritual knowledge into YOUR physical reality. (An essential part of this New Vibration group - we have to BE & ACTION what we speak!)
- Assistance to Walk your talk, through shifting frequency, aligning & surrendering as the new vibration insists!
- This group allows you the space and support to Keep yourself 'topped up' energetically, practice soul level self care and achieve inner peace.
- Our inner wisdom KNOWS now that through these experiences.. this process is best shared. :-)
Come join us.. Share | Listen | Observe | Resonate with each other - for good nourishing conversation & supportive awareness, as we collectively navigate the continued ascension path..- Lets do this TOGETHER!
This New Vibration Group founded in 2013
- Facilitated by Tracee Cullen..
Spiritual Teacher & Mentor
Intuitive teachings - Full Time since 2004
Every 2 weeks | on a Thursday
RECORDED for replay or Real TIME - up to you!
You can join LIVE for our monthly gathering if you resonate or join the replay
All fortnightly soul Sessions are delivered in New Vibration.
High Dimension Meditation® library - access 24/7
No need to be present - catch up whenever suits you

Join the group here
JOIN.. Members in this group who are:
- Aware of their own ‘Awaking’ & open to growth
- Creating Inner Peace for themselves
- Using supportive High Dimension Intuitive Teachings & Meditation within the portal
- Acknowledge their knowing on a deeper level
- Navigating the rapid global changes together
- Continue to embrace transformation
- Choosing conscious change
- Actively participating - in their own destiny
- Taking responsibility for personal soul choices
In addition when joining the Awakened Inner Circle - High Dimension Group.. YOU are also 'doing' the hardest thing that the universe is NOW asking us to do at the moment.. "Because our ascension path has taken us ALL on on such a deep inward and challenging path. It has taken us ALL into solitude in many aspects, and so, to be in the 'current energy' NOW, is to SURRENDER.."
It requires us to join in UNITY, embrace the collective energy. This isn't easy - taking the difficult DECISION to step out of SOLITUDE.... as the journey as continues - TOGETHER...
We are aligning to UNITY as a step closer to ONENESS - The journey now is 'BEING' - Collective Consciousness.
Navigate your soul path amongst likeminded souls. Receive SPACE to keep aligning to current vibration.
'Together.. We are so much more'..
We are celebrating the collective and very supportive energy of the 'New Vibration; whereby we ALL have this sacred space to share the journey of our individual awakening.. that continues in every moment, rapidly.. now and the awareness of the impact we each have as part of the collective.. Now we choose to Rise together!
The 'old vibration' has been to 'struggle on our own'.. to put ourselves last & to hide our spiritual knowing, awareness, natural gifts. To play small and 'keep quite'.. to know we are 'different' and misunderstood.. but we know we are AUTHENTIC! If you are still feeling within this or worried to reach out.. please do so for your SOUL needs more..
Our voices must now be used to make a difference to not only our own lives, but to honour the spiritual beings we now know WE ARE and recognising the human existence for the illusions and dramas that unfold in every moment.. through society that causes our reactions, judgements and current life style situations.. when we are coming from fear and ego, not from a place that we want to live.. from authenticity, kindness and collectively finding a different way to navigate life.
It ALL starts with ourselves.. and we must give first give ourselves the permission to GO Within and to do the 'next level' of inner work with support and like minded souls that also recognise that nothing is external.. that we must "BE the change we want to see in the world".
NEW VIBRATION.. is to do the journey together..
Support each other. YES, we are all strong independent souls used to holding everyone else up.. and yes, we are all navigating our deep sense of awareness of consciousness & universal changes, and part of this has been to withdraw from others.. but actually right now as the energetic shifts are rapidly changing we need to embrace like minded souls of 'Awakened Vibration'.. (simply a label that brings awareness to know that we are energy and are far more than the materialism and old paradigm has 'allowed' us to believe). We are empaths that need to know how to deal with sensitivity to change, evolving this rapidly and the collective changes as well as our own!
This is a sacred space of Spiritual Development navigating the current energies - Support & continued growth for authentic & unique souls - New Vibration!
The Divine Feminine energy is of EARTH | GAIA and it is rising both within Men & Women - within the New Vibration - this brings rapid Awakening of Change & Collective Consciousness..
What is New Vibration - A healing and awakening taking place within each of us..
- It is about returning to a place of 'BEING' & having conscious
As we 'Awaken' both individually & collectively we can no longer conform to restrictions within society and cannot tolerate DRAMA from those around us.. The New is simply us evolving into a different frequency of how we CHOOSE to live and resonate at different vibrations of behaviour and interaction with each other - aligned to unconditional LOVE.
- We no longer resonate with seeking outside of ourselves - including 'old' methods of channelling, receiving messages & trusting intuition.
- How we access 'information' has shifted - actually to be far more simple but we can take some time to realise this.
- Entering a state of 'BEING' to become 'our natural state'
- We are aware of significant changes within our relationships with family & friends and as our frequency alters, our triggers & challenges, support us in releasing ALL that no longer serves us.
- We are each rising up to use our voice for causes that we are passionate about..
- We also realise that we are here to raise vibration.. and to do this we must go within and work continuously on ourselves & navigate the ever changing energies.. it is a lifetime process!
- We are evolving rapidly & we all KNOW it!
- We will each be ready to actively participate in our development - not want others to 'fix' us or 'do' it for us - we accept that this journey is our responsibility.
- We start to FULLY know that we are 'ONE' - there are many layers to this!
- We are resonating and definitely adhering to this..
Be the change you want to see in the World'.. Mahatma Gandhi'
Supportive, Safe & Sacred Space
- To navigate your continued soul path and all that life brings to navigate. Share, voice, or simply observe and align | whatever resonates
Soul Nourishment - New Vibration
- Replenishing Space to support you to keep your vibration high
High Dimension Meditation®
- Keep yourself aligned into 'BEING'& delving inwards always more grow to explore within & yourself as the teacher.

LIVE Sessions

How to join my Membership Group

High Dimension® working at an awareness of higher frequency.. seeing. knowing and BEING 'beyond the 3rd Dimension' - focusing on aligning this wisdom mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually & knowing that the 5th Dimension is just the beginning!
"A Healers journey.. As empaths and Intuitives we too need recharging, to have a sacred space held to continue working on 'us'.. To give ourselves permission to grow, heal & aspire is to bring strength to then be able to help others!"
Membership Content

Fortnightly sessions - AWAKENED INNER CIRCLE
High Dimension Meditation®
Soul Sessions - Audio | Video
Soul Transformation
Spiritual Development
Like Minded Souls
Awakening Energies
Creating the New World we do want
Meditation Library
Access 24/7 - Replays
All aligned to;
- Creating the New World we do want!
- Walking our talk
- Keeping in current awareness & frequency
& BEING energised to continue to help others authentically.
The High Dimension Portal - Sacred Online Private Space:
Current energetic Shifts
Each session we navigate current energetic & vibrational shifts that are occurring both individually & collectively for continued ascension, spiritual & self development.
24/7 online Community
This group has its own community chat & forum facility that can be accessed 24/7 through the online High Dimension® Portal.
Soul Sessions
Fortnightly recorded soul sessions for you to action, navigate & integrate the current energies for personal and spiritual growth.
- Both Video & Audio.
LIVE sessions
Held Monthly delivered by Tracee herslef - New Vibration Spiritual Development within the current energetic vibration.
Like minded souls
This group is of CONSCIOUS Spiritual vibration and therefore a support energetic space for like minded souls all resonating with the Awakening & New Paradigm.
You can access the sessions and replay - which is uploaded & available through the High Dimension Portal.
Meditation Library
Meditation for you to access 24/7 as part of your membership means that you can gain support and tools to align to BEING and create your inner peace & support your wellbeing.
Energy Updates
Monthly updates that explore the current energy, alignments and planetary aspects that we are collectively navigating energetically. Also incorporating channellings & numerology.
With amazing souls all aligning & gathering together within new vibration, there's no such thing as 'competition' in this frequency.. but there is an opportunity to support each other!
Okay, so you resonate and all that sounds good, but will this group really work for you?
Here's how you can support yourself, take the steps forward by joining and gain access to immediately apply the intuitive teachings to your life - in just 3 steps:
(You don't need to be technically minded - we have done the hard bit for you)
This is the first step - Join the Group..
Once you join the group you will be emailed a user name and password to access the High Dimension® Portal which is simply, an ONLINE sacred space created as a standalone, private & secure website.
You do not need to be technically minded.. and you can join by phone, ipad/tablet or computer.. But You do need an internet connection!
The 2nd step..
You will enter directly to the dashboard & your own profile page (just like social media) & you can view;
- A full diary of all events & dates
- Recent activity & messages
- View Groups, Courses & Workshops
- Community Chat...
It will also show that you are enrolled within the High Dimension® Awakened Inner Circle Group..
The portal also allows you to make changes to your profile if you wish.. i.e. photo etc..
The 3rd step..
Tah Dah!.. simply click on the enrolled link to enter the Group - each monthly LIVE session, and fortnightly soul session & Replays (available 24/7) are accessed by clicking on the date of that you which to attend. Everything is TIMELESS..
That's it.. you now have access to a deeply profound Spiritual, High Dimension® Group - delivered by Tracee Cullen - Assisting Souls to be their 'UNIQUE' confident Authentic selves - A community of Like Minded Souls..
TOGETHER.. We will BE..
- Navigating current energies in every moment
- Spiritual development for all levels of awareness
- Channelled sessions of current vibration
- Easy access within sacred private space of like minded souls
- 24/7 Access to Replay sessions & Community Chat/Forum/Q&A
What You'll Get When You Join Today
You will get IMMEDIATE access to the High Dimension® Awakened Inner Circle for either
- Monthly £22
- 4 sessions £40 (8 weeks membership) or
- 8 sessions £60 (16 weeks membership).
- NEW OPTION (coming soon) - 1 Year access
- Each LIVE session will be held Fortnightly on Thursdays 10 am - 11 am
- Replay of LIVE sessions will be accessible from the same afternoon and available 24/7.
- You will also be able to access the community chat forum for Sharing, Support & Questions.
- Everything is delivered ONLINE through the Portal.
- If you choose the 8 session option - you are receiving 2 sessions FREE.
3 Simple Steps to...
Join Like Minded Souls.. Navigate the Vibrational Shifts together..
Established group.. Expanding to reach you!
You no longer need to do this journey of Awakening alone - The Online Awakened Inner Circle was established in 2013 (delivered originally at my centre in Devon)..
NOW since 2018 it has expanded to become an ONLINE group reaching those who collectively resonate wherever you live - Like minded souls all navigating the same journey.. 'Our experiences may be different but the lessons & growth are the same'!
Namaste, Tracee cullen.xx

Tracee Cullen - Intuitive | Channel | Healer
High Dimension® Teacher & Mentor
Chi - Mind, Body & Spirit Academy - Established Holistic & Spiritual Centre (since 2004)
High Dimension® Portal - ONLINE sacred teaching space (since 2018)
Retreats & Holidays Ltd - Spiritual Retreats (since 2011)
Awakened Souls Network - (since 2021)
Eastern & Western Reiki Master Teacher
Yoga Alliance RYT200 Meditation Teacher
National Teaching Certificate
Intuitive & Channel
Spiritual Healer (NFSH)
Numerology (AIN)
Aromatherapist | Colour Therapist (VTCT) | Crystal Therapist (VTCT)
Holistic Therapies | Massage | Ayurveda | Thai | Poultice | Shirodara
Signature courses:
High Dimension Meditation®
High Dimension Awaken & Healing Programme
High Dimension Calling.. Follow your Passion
Delivering High Dimension Meditation® - Workshops, Courses & Retreats
Speaker at National Events throughout the UK (since 2013).
High Dimension® Retreats - North Devon, Glastonbury, Greek Islands, India & Sri Lanka
Copyright 2004 - 2022 www.traceecullen.com Privacy Terms & Conditions