Spiritual ‘Tool’s.. Self Development.

The thing to remember about raising vibration.. we at first seek 'tools' to assist us which can be anything from crystals, cards, sound, affirmations, visualisation.. even meditation.. The journey is long and will include seeking holistic / alternative therapies & ways of living, psychic readings or becoming the practitioner to gain awareness through experience through … Continue reading Spiritual ‘Tool’s.. Self Development.

Those who look outside.. Dreams. Those who look within.. Awakens.

Going within.. create your reality..? Those still looking externally.. will still make judgements on you and others.. this is reality.. However 'well meaning' people suggest they are.. a judgement is a judgement..? this journey brings many situations to navigate. We cannot know what each person is going through as often the strongest go through it … Continue reading Those who look outside.. Dreams. Those who look within.. Awakens.


11:11.. The Awakening Code.. Awareness of High Dimensional Vibration.. Twin Flame connections..? The number 11 in numerology has the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic and compassionate. You may have started to become aware of seeing 11:11 in various places or maybe your awareness of seeing 11:11 is shifting.. you are … Continue reading 11:11