We will know we have made the right decision..

Peace in our heart..
That is something to listen to.. our heart..

We all make continued decisions in every moment.. make sure they resonate within your heart & not just from the lips..

As we enjoy another day today of hopefully relaxation for most of you with those you love.. our physical & energetic bodies are catching up with us all from the last few weeks & also emotions of the year and decade!

The Solar eclipse yesterday (which can be felt strongly today and for the next 2 weeks) brought through a significant and quite complex shift (I have done a recording on this within the Awakened Inner Circle) we are preparing now to emerge with a different approach and a new perspective that we have not yet been brave enough to show the world.

So embrace all, be mindful of how you feel.. what you resonate with & what you are releasing.. we take through also to the end of the year the final aspects of the energy of ‘3’ in numerology – creation, balance within mind, body & Spirit, collective transformation and will already have felt the vibration of entering 2020 into the energy of ‘4’..

.. we will now create a solid foundation in which to build on.. be sure in our decisions and have a grounded earthly approach to our physical presense (again much more on this for those that want to work with me fortnightly in the High Dimension Awakened Inner Circle).

Also loving thoughts to all those who are struggling in anyway at the moment sending healing, supportive energy.. you know within however tired you soul can be that this too shall pass and you will emerge very soon from this experience a different version of you.. make it a postive one.. choose to be gentler and kinder to you.. choose to be your authentic self and choose to give and receive love more deeply that ever.. despite any hardships.. and shine.. whatever and whenever!

We can and do get through anything that is ‘sent’ because it is part of our journey.. designed to make us the next version of oursleves.. and to do this we have to deal and come through (often on our own internal struggle) with the unimaginagble or that which we didnt see coming, at the highest level of detachment, sacrifice, rejection, fear or simply illusion – challenging times although not seen in the moment are our best and ONLY way to ascend to unravel a layer within oursleves.

Gratitude in our hearts is the place to begin any moment.. for we ALL have something to be grateful for.. we just have to look a little deeper somedays and other days we can real off a long list! Whatever day this is for you.. find gratitude in this moment for something and shine your light!

Namaste everyone.x
Tracee Cullen – High Dimension Teacher & Mentor

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