Awakened Inner Circle – LIVE online session – High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings

Awakened Inner Circle – LIVE online session

LIVE session for the Awakened Inner Circle – LIVES are held monthly as part of the fortnightly group.
(Monthly LIVE sessions to gather together are part of the Awakened Inner Circle – High Dimension® Group)
You can join the group here:
or more information here:

The LIVE sessions are held monthly as part of the fortnightly group and is a safe shared space, discussion, sharing (if you want to), channelled messages as well as supportive collective energy.  This session is also recorded so access is available as a replay, if you are not able to join live.

Join Membership | for immediate access.

If you are wanting to work with me more deeply, than just my social media, receiving my energy newsletters, blog posts, video channellings etc and resonate to work together, more deeply for soul work, continued alignments in current energies, receive regular supportive inspiration, guidance aligned to the new vibration, and share space with like minded souls of the same ‘awareness frequency’ then please join us!

There are 2 ways to do so (just choose when you show up):
1.  Access the sessions, comment, share, interact with others and attend live sessions when you can.
2.  Access the sessions, as replays completely IN YOUR OWN TIME – whenever resonates.

Each month in the Awakened Inner Circle – you receive:

  • A new Meditation
  • Access to the Meditation Library available 24/7
  • Energy Update
  • Soul Sessions (fortnightly) – these include video, audio & downloads when appropriate.
  • LIVE Circle with Tracee – An opportunity to gather together for sharing space, voice, discussion, supportive energy & collective energy (essential in our world today).  Current topics and opportunity to bring whatever you would like as part of discussion.
  • Community chat
  • Space – to be you.. Nurture and align!

All of these sessions together hold space for you to navigate remain in current vibration, not just awareness but actually to integrate the shifts at soul level which is the difference for us all to maintain BALANCE!

UNITY which is the current vibration, means we have to work at and learn to come out of solitude.. 🙂  We need also to support each other, share our voices and allow the divine feminine nurturing energy within us all (male & female) to align to the natural cycles, nature, the planets, the universe and to know we are NOT separate but a part of the universal energy.  We simply are and our intention and focus is to step into BEING as much as we can whilst also navigating the human path of experiences that creates.. shifts, triggers that challenges us, and accept the learning to remain and continue to return inwards.. – we know why we are all here, resonating and gathering together.. to raise our vibration!

So let’s gather together and do what we do best, nurture, support and share the ascension path together.
I look forward to seeing you LIVE and sharing space with you all.

See you on the inside!

Tracee Cullen.x

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Oct 18 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am

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High Dimension® Portal – ONLINE Academy


Tracee Cullen
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