High Dimension® Awakened Healing Programme – Transformational course – High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings
High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Programme

High Dimension® Awakened Healing Programme – Transformational course

High Dimension® Awakened Healing Programme –  with 3 months mentoring & support
– 10 Days Intuitive Teachings | held over 3 weekends, 1 month apart for shift in vibration.
Book here: https://lq443.infusionsoft.com/app/orderForms/High-Dimension-Awaken–Healing-Programme
More Info: https://traceecullen.com/high-dimension-awaken-healing-programme/
– Dates for each weekend are within link.

This ‘programme’ is a profound transformational process,  led by sending you back to yourself for a deeper self inquiry from within at soul level, for consciously awakened souls looking to delve deeper,  aligned to new vibration of BEING as the ascension path is continuous.   You must want to create more conscious change and be ready to explore this pathway of ‘finding YOU’ on a much deeper, authentic level and own it, live it!

Its liberating on so many levels, often initiated from the subconscious,  way beyond the mind and what ‘you think’..  supporting you into BEING able to walk your talk with confidence,  know who you are ‘NOW’ as many things have changed since you started shifting through rapid awareness and living as a spiritual being, navigating this human existence (you already know this but the practical shifts must also take place, to align your physical and spiritual in the process – once and for all!).
–  An authentic safe and sacred space is held for YOU to raise your vibration, no matter where you resonate.

The LIVE sessions are held in a group space and everything else is done privately as you delve within but I am here to hold space to support you throughout.  It is intense (like putting your soul in the washing machine), but so worth it, and saves years of dragging the ‘residue’ of ascension out because you choose YOU, now and have this given space and focus.  You call it in!

This is for consciously creating profound change in your life as you reach a deeper knowing within yourself and explore expansion that leads to the freedom you are seeking, often from yourself!

This is the most incredible ‘time’ of Global Awakening – that we chose to come and navigate – together!   You must have courage to come out of solitude.. and this safe space is honoured to be so.. also nurturing for such sensitivity that only empaths know! ..

We are all seeking within to find ‘the next level’ of our true authentic selves, step into fully BEING and into who we are becoming, whilst we also have to find courage to release who we once were. Knowing that this happens many times continuously over again, throughout our path on earth, so that we can allow ourselves to evolve and raise vibration quick enough to keep aligned most importantly – in New Vibration.
Letting go of the ‘old paradigm’ is beyond just materialism, it is how we ‘work’ in the New Vibration and frequency.
The High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Programme is an opportunity to navigate the process with FULL awareness of what is occurring within through our spiritual awakening & to breathe, have space and observe, feel and release all that we must in order to do this next level!
This we are ALL experiencing, including detachment from those around us, rules and regulations, removing the feeling of being stifled in a material world. The system, and as we do we are creating the new world we do want. You will be a leader in this and your energy is needed to align to be able to best serve and shift through the layers we must all travel together in the next decade.
Also knowing there IS and YOU are more.. that through personal and collective FEAR we have not truly been using our voice (in creative energy beyond TRUTH) and participating enough to create the change we NEED and absolutely WANT. So you will be feeling ready to explore as a spiritual being living a human existence as much as possible, rather than the other way around! – instead seeking how to just ‘BE’.. how to be in our OWN authentic alignment!
I personally shifted into New Vibration fully in 2013 and have held space for others to do this also, because I know how intense and excruciating the journey has been and continues to be as well as how amazingly beautiful and peaceful within it is also. (depending where we are). Ascension continues but there is a profound difference when shifting at this point. We always think we have until we have! it means rewiring everything.. releasing all that we know and trusting beyond what we have allowed ourselves to do before.
Take the journey in the beautiful energy within my High Dimension Portal – a sacred teaching space – evolving with the High Dimension® Awaken and Healing Programme.. an amazing combination for soul development. View the testimonials from those who have already taken this journey. ALL of them that did this online have revisited the course 2/3 times throughout the year as it is a support and can help when we revisit a pattern or situation in our lives.
During these 10 days teachings you will complete the 1 Day workshop + 3 Day Foundation Level + 3 Day Awaken + 3 Day Ascend Courses – with 1 years access. This programme is currently held once a year for an intimate group.
The Transformation.. is you regaining yourself & feeling empowered, positive & confident to continue your journey in Love & Unity. Align your life to freedom and work/life balance as well as an empath/participant in the collective.
Releasing the ‘old’ energy and so you can be FULLY working in the ‘new’.
The exchange for the complete course is £695 10 Days Teaching (Norm £800 when taught in person, which is held in North Devon) – each level is normally priced at £240 & the initial workshop is £80. (Same price since 2016 :-).
Taking the full course in continuation gives the most impact for development & learning within the group and the ONLY way I deliver it for your benefit, mentorship & responsibility of wellbeing.
Monthly payments option available – as a payment plan in the link.
Start date of the High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Programme
1 day workshop – Raising vibration.. working in the new energies
– Content will be released at 10am, the LIVE session follows at 11.30am – within the portal for this workshop, and then more content released for you to work throughout the day for completion.
Then each level begins with the same format:
3 Days – Foundation level
3 Days – Awaken level
3 Days – Ascend level
Content flow:
The first morning of each level start date – begins with you accessing contact at 10am and working through until our LIVE session at 11.30am – you then receive content to complete throughout the whole weekend to complete in your own time.  I will through discussion also offer an additional 1 hour mentoring on completion of each level of the course which is optional.
** More information on course outline on website – Full course content details: https://traceecullen.com/high-dimension-awaken-healing…/
VENUE: ONLINE @ highdimensionportal@traceecullen.com
COST: £800 inclusive of 4 levels to include 10 days teaching, 3 months mentoring & 1 year access.
+ receive 1 month FREE membership to the Awakened Inner Circle ONLINE membership &meditation Library.
* Some earlybird places @ £695 are available.
* Payment Plan options requires a DEPOSIT: £250 to confirm space.
The full Programme..
High Dimensional Awaken and Healing Programme.. (HDA&HP)
1 day workshop – Raising Vibration.. Working in the new energies..
? Realign your Spiritual (5th Dimension) & Physical (3rd Dimension)
? Resonate with Awakening Individual & Collective Shifts
? Explore Dimensions, The Awakening Process & Magnetic Shifts
? Embracing the ‘Old’ & ‘New@ Energies
? ‘Being it’ – Resonate with your authentic self
? Understanding the path of ‘High Dimension’ vocational Calling
Self Healing & Transformation – Level I – Foundation
? Being a spiritual being in a human existence
? Self Confidence to participate in change
? Healing ancient wounds – Divine feminine Energy (Men & Women)
? Taking responsibility for your own ascension & healing
? Going within deeply & profoundly
? Trusting the journey – Self & Universe
Internal Core Healing & Transformation – Level I – Awaken
? Reaching & releasing the ‘raw state’
? Seeking your authentic self – releasing layers
? Conscious, Sub conscious & collective conscious
? Emotional detachment
? Twin Flames – The journey & union
? Self Love & self healing – Empowerment
? Journey of healing into FULL awareness
Conscious shift Healing, BEING the channel & Transformation – Level I – Ascend
? High Dimension Meditation®
? Geometry – Current vibrational shifts & Numerology
? Channelling – consciously & for collective unity
? ‘Being it’ with authenticity & awareness of energy.
**Retreat ‘Being it ‘ gatherings optional for continued development. Held throughout the year.
*BONUS* – For those attending, as additional support you get the opportunity to join my High Dimension® Awakened Inner Circle – ONLINE group – 1 month FREE.
Payment Plan:
Option is within the booking link. Places are limited to 15 so a deposit will hold your space.
** Please note that the awakening energies are rapid so we will be a different version of ourselves each time we meet for another level of this course – have awareness that the gap between each course is so that you can process the course level and your vibration WILL SHIFT for sure! Also before attending the next course the universe WILL GUARENTEED.. bring up everything that you need to move on! so observe and do the inner work, whilst you are supported in such a unified and heartfelt and knowing space.
** We must push ourselves forward to actively participate and know that when working on ourselves at this level we will be ‘given’ many tests not to! – all will be 3 dimensional – i.e. money, time, commitments, not choosing yourself – what ever it is you need to clear to chose this transformation – and it is one – life changing!
If you resonate then I look forward to working with you, as this will be ‘a calling’ to attend.
Tracee Cullen
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Mar 12 2025


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


High Dimension® Portal – ONLINE Academy


Tracee Cullen