High Dimension Calling.. Follow your Passion – 6 Week Business Course – High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings
Business Course

High Dimension Calling.. Follow your Passion – 6 Week Business Course

Do you want to make a difference in this world?
– is procrastination or perfectionism holding you back?  Either too many ideas or no idea what you want to do!

6 Week Business Course & Spiritual Business Mentoring –
Book here:  https://lq443.infusionsoft.com/app/orderForms/High-Dimension-Calling-Follow-your-Passion
More information here: https://traceecullen.com/high-dimension-calling-follow-your-passion-2/

If you have felt a ‘Calling’ to want to do something good in the world.. To assist others in someway..?
Do you have so many ideas in your ‘head’ but not sure how to make this a business..?  Then this course will allow you to actively participate and take action to get you on your path..  its time for us ALL to ‘step up’ and shine a bit brighter, beyond our comfort zone.

We are naturally, on our ascension path seeking FREEDOM.

So, a better work/life balance, to be more self sufficient and in control of how you earn a living and when and what you do.  It is therefore much better to start this process as soon as possible.  I will say throughout this course as I do now, it is essential that you spent sometime each day building what you do want, not giving all your energy to what you don’t or doing something you don’t enjoy.


When you book – you will be emailed and access to the course will be given on the Friday’s START Date, so you can start when you’re ready! (work at your own pace in your own time).  Each Friday you receive more guidance, manageable tasks and knowledge in how to create your business, or align one you already have.

6 Weeks support & mentoring
– weekly LIVE sessions on Wednesday evenings – it is not an essential part of the course,  you can take it entirely in your own time and pace if you prefer.  Although the LIVE sessions give you additional support, mentoring and accountability to help keep the momentum and action needed to create conscious change and build your business.

Access for 1 year is given to work through the course at your own pace.

If you are serious about creating a Holistic / Spiritual business..
If  you want to create change..
Have an aligned work/life balance..
Do what you LOVE..
Make a difference in this world, more fully..
Then.. You must first.. INVEST IN YOURSELF..

It is of old vibration to put yourself last or struggle..
We need to know how important it is for us to do the personal and spiritual development,
in order to deliver ourselves out into the world, with authenticity, confidence and embrace the courage and support given to do this journey..

If you resonate then click the link to find out more or to book your place..

BUSINESS COURSE + 6 WEEKS MENTORING OPTION £495  is currently available
mentoring value inside this course is £435 + the full course content & 1 year access gives you comprehensive support that is affordable.
Booking link & payment plans – Book your place here

Inclusive of;

  • 6 weeks group mentoring
  • Full course & resources
  • An additional follow up PRIVATE 1 to 1 – 3o min mentoring session (within 1 month)
  • Access for one year
    Prefer to take this course right now without waiting for the next launch?

    (Without mentoring) – £333
    Booking link & payment plans – Book your place hereAs a work at your own pace course,  you have the option to take the course in your own time, without the fixed 6 weeks business mentoring and accountability, but you receive 15% off of one to one sessions to assist specifically along this journey for the 6 weeks, whenever you feel you need it, from set up / or recalibration of your business through to get you launched!  You gain 1 year access to the course.

The event is finished.


Mar 12 2025


10:00 am - 11:00 am

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Tracee Cullen
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