High Dimension Portal – Course Builder & Creation – FREE 1 hour Q&A
Create your own online courses, workshops, community and memberships in a sacred, private and aligned space within the High Dimension Portal.
FREE 1 hour group Q&A will be held on Thursday 2nd November at 6pm – let me know if you would like to be included – join here – https://traceecullenbookings.as.me/FREECourseBuilderCreation

1. You know how to create your course or you already have done so, then you will be ready to go and the step by step guidance within the portal show you how to create and publish.
2. You have an idea, plan of a course, workshop, membership or online group you want to start but not sure how to? Then you will gain access to my step by step ‘create your own course’ alongside live mentoring for 6 week to help you build and publish so that your not just sat there procrastinating or stuck!
3. Will determine your presence and how you want to lead your online business.
so choose either option to meet your needs and vision:1. You are happy to remain independent and looking for a private space to host and build your online business, courses, workshops, memberships and groups. This gives you a total private space but also support and aligned energy to create.

2. All of option 1 plus – to integrate your courses, workshops etc into the High Dimension Portal for collective support, access to share your courses, events and promote your courses, gain opportunity to hold space collectively with other facilitators, teach and collaborate, gain access to co-create to share a project or create courses with other facilitators.
This brings many variables that you will be supported with, to determine what level of support you want and talk through..
It is dependant on your circumstances, vision and business, so will take into account and we support all options mentioned below!
It is dependant on your circumstances, vision and business, so will take into account and we support all options mentioned below!

Additional option to include:

So join me for a FREE 1 hour to answer your questions, and gain insight to how this may help you level up and support your vision.
See you on the inside!
Tracee Cullen
High Dimension Intuitive Teachings
High Dimension Intuitive Teachings