Kickstart 2022 – Spiritual Development 6 Weeks £65 ONLINE
Spiritual Mentoring – Kickstart 2022 Astrological New Year – 6 weeks | £65 – limited places | starts 8th February 2022.
You can join the course here: https://TraceeCullenBookings.as.me/KickStart2022
– delivered as a great ‘kick start into 2022’ Energy.
8th FEB | 1st session: Reflect, gain clarity on where you are spiritually & the collective.
15th FEB | 2nd session: Emerging from who we were..
22nd FEB | 3rd session: Honouring the life path..
1st MARCH | 4th session: Soul choices.. In current Energy.
8th MARCH | 5th session: Conscious change..
15th MARCH | 6th session: Creative spirituality.. Freedom..
An opportunity to receive support & guidance on your spiritual path, reconnect to YOU, and your path. Regain strength, courage and ignite your passion to serve well and beyond what you already do. This will be a return to self, courage to keep on BEING you & serving in a compassionate, but balanced way.
When working in this way, as a group everyone can gain inspiration from each other, feel supported and offer be supportive in sharing your experiences.
The benefits are enormous energetically, in growth, thinking and feeling beyond where you currently are with focus, channelled guidance outside of the ‘box’, different perspectives and objectives to what you already know, can help open up to NEW experiences.
Knowing you aren’t alone is also the opportunity to step out of your comfortable zone of solitude. To share your energy, form unity and allow yourself to experience such growth through just BEING you.
Accepting there is more and you are more than you allow yourself to be, enables a step up vibrationally, past your comfort zone.
Each session is dynamic, experiential, with variety of; sharing experiences, workbooks, channelling, teachings and questions /answers. Both self development and spiritual development goals are discussed, observation of spiritual ascension and ALL in new vibration.
You have the opportunity to bring topics and ideas and skills to the sessions as well as network with other like minded souls.
This will run initially for 6 weeks to align to the astrological new year in March and embrace and make the most of 2022 – There is an option to extend the beyond this point for those that want to continue on a monthly ‘top up’ group basis.
High Dimension® Teachings PORTAL:
– Held within the sacred space of the High Dimension Portal – which you will be given access to the night before we start, (unless you already have access for other workshops | courses, then use the same log in details). This professional teaching space will hold resources, links, and replays through our the 6 weeks together. There is also a community chat group if you want to interact and support each other in between the In Person LIVE sessions via zoom (these links will also be within the portal).
Places are limited, space held on a first come, first serve basis of received booking with a £35 deposit. This isn’t said for urgency, but to let you know that to make this achievable and balance for exchange that places are limited.
I look forward to sharing this 6 week journey of ‘linear time’ and space together, honouring all that is within and 2022 energy!