Raising Vibration.. Working In The New Energies – 1 Day Workshop – High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings

Raising Vibration.. Working In The New Energies – 1 Day Workshop

Raising Vibration.. Working In The New Energies.. 1 Day Workshop – This is a stand alone one day workshop, that is also the first step in the High Dimension Awaken & Healing Programme (Certified Course).
I day workshop – 10am to 4pm
We will be exploring the vast subject of ‘Awakening’ but this is about ‘Self Transformation’ & ‘Being It’ – this is about YOUR journey & will resonate on a deeper soul level so you will ‘go within’ often quite profoundly.. you will if drawn to this workshop want to bring change!
This is the real start of change… you will be breaking old patterns.. behaviours and releasing what no longer serves you & holds you back from being your Authentic Self..
You will already be aware of:
– Relationship changes – Friends, Family, Partners,
– Feeling ‘alone’ – withdrawing from society, rules, restrictions..
– Experiences depression, periods/depths of low
– Observing the Rising & Exiting of souls – seeking ‘home’
– Wanting to make a difference in the world
– Speaking up, using your voice
– Wanting change for you and the collective
– Seeking to go within, in a safe environment & space held to do so
This is all the path of ascension – so let’s navigate how we are meant to collectively with FULL awareness
The 1 Day will include:
? Realign your spiritual (5th Dimension+) & physical (3rd Dimension)
? Resonate with Awakening individual & collective shifts
? New vibration grounding, being, meditation & protection
? Explore Dimensions, The Awakening process
& magnetic shifts
? Embracing the ‘Old’ & ‘New’ Energies
? ‘Being it’ – resonate with your authentic self
? Understanding the path of ‘High Dimension’ vocational Calling
? Raising your vibration & awareness ready for the HDA&HP
You will be seeking deep within the calling for your purpose here on earth.. to make a difference and to be the change you want to see.
Bringing through awareness of the collective vibration and impact of the awakening energies within the world & beyond. However much work you have already done on yourself you will find deeper levels to discover here in this moment..
You will make a choice at soul level to ‘actively participate’ in your spiritual development and soul journey of ascension.
Exchange of energy – £80
** This workshop is FREE when you book the course in FULL (saving £105 in total).
If you attend this workshop and then at the end of the day you decide to join the full course that commences afterwards then the £80 will be discounted – making this workshop FREE for you!
If you want to continue the total 10 days teaching costs £800, booking together and receiving the discount you would pay £695 – as a total fee, which does include a payment plan option.
Continued Development –
Should you feel drawn to continue the journey then on completion of this workshop you can attend the High Dimension Awaken & Healing Programme – held over 3 weekends as 9 days teaching. Depending on availability.
The dates for the full programme are on the website.
1 Day Raising Vibration.. Working the New Energies
3 Day Foundation
3 Day Awaken
3 Day Ascend
This is for those who want to actively and consciously explore the journey of Awakening,  create space in your life and initiate self healing at soul level.  It is self discovery at the deepest layer, transformational and brings forward the awakening process,  releasing karma, repeated cycles and revisiting old patterns.
It is not for the faint hearted as this requires you to be ready to take responsibly for your own journey but within the sacred space held to do so. This as described brings forth much that needs to be observed and therefore released to instigate change that will catapult you to step up to the next stage of your journey.. (if you allow it)!
It is ALWAYS your choice to assist your soul development and this journey was crucial in my Awakening and what I am able to offer to others now because of it and the continued self work.
‘There comes a moment when we take responsibility for our own awakening, which is the soul’s journey through experiences.. to do so consciously is deeply profound and life changing.’
Email me directly at contact@traceecullen.com if you have any questions about attending.
Tracee Cullen

The event is finished.


Apr 08 2022


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Tracee Cullen