Meditation Teacher Training – 7 Day ONLINE Accredited Course.

Overview of course..
This course for me was priceless!!
I am very glad I did the Meditation Foundation before I did this course. although you don’t need to.
But I am glad I had started my own meditation practice beforehand.

Doing this course has literally changed my Life for the better. Not only for myself but for anyone that knows me. I thought like a lot of people I had done all my inner work lol….well that never really ends as we are always learning and evolving!! I knew that, but really didn’t know that if you get my meaning. Now I have done this course it has a deeper meaning and I have a deeper understanding of it.

How was doing the course online?
I feel doing this course online has been very beneficial. I feel I have got as much out of it doing it this way. Obviously I would love to be in Tracee’s energy and other people but I really felt that come through anyway, as we are in the New Vibration.

It was nice not having to travel a distance, to be comfy in my own home, have drinks etc to hand. No travel expenses or worrying about the weather etc…

I would definitely recommend it. its also shown me that I could do it this way. Which going forward is a wonderful thing to be able to deliver and also the fact you can offer it anywhere any country etc…

Was there anything you felt wasn’t covered in the course?
Wow I don’t think so you went above and beyond. Its now up to us to explore further….going deeper into anything that resonates etc…. So much knowledge was shared it was mind-blowing.

Anything to add..
Just thank you so much for holding space for me and everyone that does any of your courses. Incredible Journey and so happy to share that with Tracee Cullen.

Kim D – Dorset – November 2020

What Have you gained by taking the meditation Teacher Training? Confidence to step into my power and become a Meditation Teacher. I’ve gone through almost every emotion and have come out empowered, confident and at peace. The pieces of the puzzle have come together. I’ve gained so much knowledge and understanding of Meditation and the all the tools that contribute to it.

Testimonial for Meditation Teacher Training – ONLINE 7 DAY Course.
It has been life changing it really has. I’ve gained the confidence I need to get myself out there and teach the things I want to teach and how I want to. I’ve cleared a lot of fears and barriers that I’ve held up for such a long time. I’ve learned to Meditate from the heart, the course has enabled me to shed the layers and focus truly on it’s core purpose of going within and seeking nothingness. The tools and knowledge shared is at times overwhelming but ultimately once you start to practice what you preach and really feel into the teachings that’s when the magic happens. Tracee explains the course as ‘become what you teach’ and that truly is the outcome.

How did you find doing the course online?
The course on line is incredibly accessible, easy to navigate and one of the main benefits for me is not having to travel and be away from the family. As much as i found the first couple days ‘intensive’ I’m really pleased I chose the 7 day course as it’s pushed me and allowed me to keep the momentum going. It’s also nice to share the experience with others and receiving constructive criticism is really helpful.

– Laura Barrett – Devon.

Meditation Teacher Training August 2020
