Meditation Groups - Monthly
- The empowerment of group meditation, together is profound to raise vibration for the collective in current energy!

for Beginners - Advanced - Teacher Training levels

Meditation - Monthly Teachings & LIVE Support
- Beginner | Advanced | Teacher LEVEL Groups

Do you want to join a supportive group to access in your own time, as well as receive ongoing teachings, group meditation together & LIVE session monthly?

No matter whether you are a beginner to Meditation, or wanting to restart and learn ancient techniques and align to New Vibration, have been practicing for sometime (advanced) or your hold space for others as a meditation (teacher), I have created a group to support you monthly.  This has been called for as I don't teach actual classes anymore.  This way I can help you develop spiritually and mentor where needed and requested.
Meditation Group Introduction..

I am passionate about holding space and teaching you how to do it for yourself, 'it' BEING and learning techniques, sharing knowledge and empowering you to keep aligned, developing further and to create or instill your own regular practice at home no matter what you level of experience.
As well as help you, if you are a teacher, with your teachings if needed, questions, holding space, current energy changes and an opportunity to share the space with other like minded teachers,  if that's your level and through a monthly membership I can support you with the following:

  • Regular teachings to keep advancing and deepening your practice
  • Meditations to help you focus or find inspriation
  • Be accountable to keep returning back to meditation & youself! (even when life gets in the way)
  • Be on hand in a live for Q & A monthly 
  • Sharing the journey and progress 
  • Support from me and those in the membership community 
  • Gives you freedom to access 24/7 whenever you feel aligned or need extra support to revisit a session
  • Measurable advancement so that you are continually progressing with Meditation
  • Spiritual Development
  • Meditation, Mind & Mudra
  • Mantra & Chanting
  • Breathing & Pranayama

Meditation Group Options

WHO is your facilitator..
Tracee Cullen - Spiritual Teacher & Mentor.
- 200 hours Certification in Himalayan Teachings & Hatha Yoga.  
- Founder of  the High Dimension Meditation® Method.
- Approved EXECUTIVE Training provider & Accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
- Certified by the International Yoga Alliance.
- Yoga Alliance Membership.

Meditation Teacher Membership..
- Support to facilitate your own Meditation Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Circle, Spiritual Development Groups.

You will have reached teacher level with meditation in some capacity and either already facilitating your own sessions, holding space for Meditation Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Circle, Spiritual Development Groups etc, or wanting to.  All of this will be nurtured and taught in this group.

Annual Membership

£222/year (saves £42)

Monthly Membership


Always welcome to speak to me if your not sure about your level of teaching.

Tracee Cullen -  Delivering a Greek Island Meditation Retreat

Experienced Meditators Membership

You will have reached a level of working on yourself through meditation over a period of time with regular practice to be ready to attend a Teacher Training course to be able to guide others. (speak to me directly if you want to discuss).

Annual Membership

£180/year (saves £36)

Monthly Membership



A journey within - begins with choosing you!

Beginners Meditation Membership

You will either be a complete beginner or want to relearn from the basis of beginning.  The methods are through Himalayan teachings.  It is recommended that you learn throughout the year to develop and then progress on the advanced level if you feel aligned to do so for continued progress.

Annual Membership

£111/year (saves £21)

Monthly Membership


Prefer to start  with a course?

A weekend with like minded souls..

Going within... Replenishing..
This Meditation weekend is deeply restorative for those seeking some inner peace.. knowing that you need something more than time out.. you need soul replenishment.. to seek on a deeper level what lies within.. where you can simply 'Be'.

To learn to take away tools to continue this journey at home at your own pace!

Meditation Courses

What if you have already taken a course with me or which is best to do? take a course or membership?

So the membership is a support and continued development and the courses are a total immersion often for certification.  Even thiose that have comepleted the courses will be joining the membership as this is a way to keep focudsed and aligned, beacuse as we know life can get i n the way.  Also as we are now in collective vibration it is lovey to meditatie once a month live with everyone as a group.  even a s a teacher for otehrs, this is imporatnat as space is held for you and collectively for us to just align, practice methods that maybe havent and share space and meditation together is very powerrful for each participant and those we set intention for as some global medtation will take place (technique to assist you before you meditate)
Courses - if you preer that opotion:

  • Progressing with Meditation
  • Meditation, Mind, Mantra & Mudra

What if you have already taken a course with me?

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Meditation Teacher Training


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Light Up the world.. SHINE!

"It's your time to SHINE.. so embrace the journey you know you must do..  Which is to go within"..

I am here when your ready.. See what resonates and how deep you feel you are ready to go.. and explore the changes which are inevitable! We either face them consciously or continue drifting into conditioning & patterns of old paradigm. - Tracee Cullen.

"Meditation has been essential to my own personal development.  Although courses and training are essential to us evolving and gaining or remembering knowledge.. ultimately we have to go within..  this is the awakening journey and NONE of this ENLIGHTENMENT can be found externally or given by another!" - Tracee Cullen

Tracee Cullen

Has been teaching meditation since 2006..  delivering sessions to groups using many techniques dependant of the group and energetic vibration.

Guided meditation, ancient wisdom Yogic Sutra studied in the Himalayas.. High Dimension Meditation® channel as New Vibration Meditation..

Delivering classes and teaching from beginner level through to Teacher Training courses in India, Greece, Sri Lanka, throughout the UK & ONLINE.


Once you are brave enough to go within.. That's when the magic happens..

Of course we can also be 'afraid' of success and change, so another reason not to try!

Choose the right option for You!

It's essential that you choose what resonates with you..

Each of the following workshops and courses are created to work intuitively..

Which Workshop or course is right for me?

  1.  If you haven't done much meditation at all  have a busy mind, need to update and deepen your personal practice then the Meditation weekend is for you.. - You can then attend the Mediation Teachers Training course following on if you want to you feel drawn to attend.
  2. If you have had regular practice and do your own meditation (even if you keep letting it slip - which is normal)! then the Teacher Training course is for you. - You can choose the 7 Day intensive or the 100 hours - Either gives you sufficient teaching experience but you will have worked and developed yourself more by doing the 100 hours and attain this for 'status' which is NOT e

Get instant access to Downloads

Meditation at Home - with guided download

It's important to find a space and time that suits you and not to be too 'disciplined'..

in terms of beating yourself up about how long you meditate...  
Actually 10 mins can be very effective.. and remember that time is just an illusion!

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