Together we are more..

A great 'linear time' to have a soul spring clean.. it is encouraging when we are able to release all that no longer serves us and BE present. When we realise it is a continuous process we are able to surrender more frequently and allow ourselves to be supported and nourished amongst other like minded … Continue reading Together we are more..

Bringer of light.. choosing to go within..

Be around the light bringers.. choose to break open and do the inner work.. embrace all that we can to help oursleves grow beyond our imagination and what our sub conscious 'allows' through conditioning..

How to go within?

Go within.. so many people write & talk about this… but how do we do it…? So spending time connecting & being with 'YOU'… sit in meditation /calm mind, allow thoughts in and then release them (battling with them is not the answer)..focus on either your breathe or a simple mantra/affirmation that resonates with you … Continue reading How to go within?


As we now bring this year '4' to a close, energetically we have been establishing our foundation, clearing all the debris and old systems both on an individual and collective basis that no longer can be considered a part of our foundation, what we build our future on. We have for so long in 'pockets … Continue reading THIS OLD PARADIGM IS LIKE A WOBBLY TOOTH..!

Emerge & Fly..

Emerge & fly!xx The caterpillar during the ascension process (catalyst) cannot see through the darkness at times but within is undoing everything it was to become what they are.. and its beautiful, colourful and light.. shining bright and can FLY having found freedom. The Butterfly is not afraid to use their new wings and explore … Continue reading Emerge & Fly..

What is Halloween.. in the New Vibration?

Halloween.. in the New Vibration. As we move rapidly into New Vibration.. we have to question everything.. as we let go of 'tradition' born from conditioning, polarity, fear and ritual it is days like this that we 'look' into what is Halloween? Well it has and is considered by many the closest or thinest of … Continue reading What is Halloween.. in the New Vibration?

October Energy Update – Video

October Energy Update: Raising our vibration and then FULLY participating in the COLLECTIVE journey (many are not).. This is a whole new level for us to navigate and we are in 'the wave' now.. which will of course have to crash down as the foundations were not strong and built on Fear and Ego.. now … Continue reading October Energy Update – Video