Pumba & Nala’s Journey Home!

Please read below/click link for full story and reasoning for my quest to help these pups.

Pumba & Nala are 2 beautiful souls (pups) their journey has already been intense starting life in very difficult circumstances in India they now have the opportunity to have a forever home in the UK.

They have survived without their mum from a few days old, and against all odds have started to emerge as well balanced growing pups with great characters!

Despite looking for adopters for several weeks their forever home it seems is not in India.. with so many pups needing rehoming it is a relentless task to seek people to take on this role.

I have been working as a volunteer at a local animal charity in Goa and because of the constant feeding every 2 hours (as they are without mum) I fostered these babies early on to help get them strong – they have been with me for 7 weeks and they are now shining bright, house trained and ready to enjoy life..


.. without anyone coming forward and I leave soon I have decided that whilst I can’t help every puppy here, I can do my bit for these 2!

I have so far paid for all their care, food, vaccines and more.. which I am happy & able to do but I do need help now.. (not words I often use.. this is a lesson and they have already taught me much)..

The cost to bring them back exceeds the amount asked for but I can do it with this.. by funding we can collectively do something to change the lives for these two souls.

I will start the long journey now of paperwork, injections, pet passport, travel crates (good ones!), flights (which weirdly is mimimal), health certificate and more! I can do all of this, I am prepared, researched and have support to do so.. I just can’t afford to pay all the costs.

It will possibly required me to return to India in May/June to collect them (which of course I will pay for).

Once in the UK they will be with me to settle into UK life.. I have a few people interested in adopting them.. so we will go with it to ensure the best home is found and their needs met – if not they have their life with me & my family guaranteed.

So although I have always collected items of clothing and resources for childrens, animal charities, natural disasters & homeless – I have never asked for anything like this or money.. but this is not just a personal quest it feels the right thing to do.. it eases a little pressure here for new homes.

Many people on my social media have followed the pups journey with me which has raised interest in their well being.

So please if you can donate.. any amount I will, as will Pumba & Nala be eternally grateful.


Tracee Cullen.
