Fiery Energy.. regain your inner power!

Fiery Energy today..
Mars in Aries and until early Jan so again not the ‘norm’.. Nothing is in 2020.. and we will not return to what was.. (thankfully)!

This is energy of empowerment, indepence and taking back your personal power rather than giving it away.. its ‘time’ to be leaders of our own lives and to ‘step up’..

As a collective energy it’s about being active.. taking a stand for what is right.. taking action.. and ultimately moving away from fear into freewill.. also recognised as love energy..

In my LIVE session and soul sessions within the High Dimension Group – Awakened Inner Circle I mentioned June as a huge emotional energy about relationships, personal and collective, how we unite or detach.. how we communicate and interact or avoid.

Much segregation as predicted has been created in this past month for the next stage to ‘rule’ / ‘control’ the masses.. to bring policing of each other and create mixed messages that instills confusion.. so unless you have strength and trust in your awareness, many will be feeling so confused they forget WE ARE ONE.. and that together we are so much more.

Seek spirtual guidance if you feel this way.. we must return to soul level of knowing..

Now July will bring a surge of knowing what you believe in! There is much more to this and on Thursday I look forward to delivering another soul session for the Awakened Inner Circle..

See you on the inside!

Tracee Cullen – High Dimension Teacher & Mentor