BEING inclusive as healers and intuitives, honouring the journey and all those whom have been a partnof it so far..

High Dimension® Intuitive Teachings
Spiritual Teacher & Mentor – Reconnecting you to your path and finding you!
BEING inclusive as healers and intuitives, honouring the journey and all those whom have been a partnof it so far..
Through many years of inner work, survival, and pushing through, awakening from a conditioned society our souls need rest, nurturing and to be able to align to natural bio rythems. These are functions of the serotonin/pituitary gland which are supported and become expansive through meditation. This is known by both science and intuition! When in … Continue reading Shift inward.. your wellbeing needs it!
Unconditional Love is a vibration that is felt beyond 'conditon'.. it is rare to be able to allow ourselves to BE this.. We may initially find this within a Twin Flame energy before attempting it globally! Namaste everyone.. Wishing you all a lovely Sunday, no matter what our situation in life we are all helping … Continue reading Unconditional Love
Awakening.. becoming conscious is a personal choice from within.. one that we all have to make and the journey is in layers.. The more conscious we become the deeper the layers.. it is an awakened soul that truly recognises the journey as a continuous one! The highest form of unity is oneness and the shift … Continue reading What do you want to create in the ‘new way of living’?
Halloween.. in the New Vibration. As we move rapidly into New Vibration.. we have to question everything.. as we let go of 'tradition' born from conditioning, polarity, fear and ritual it is days like this that we 'look' into what is Halloween? Well it has and is considered by many the closest or thinest of … Continue reading What is Halloween.. in the New Vibration?