Creative flow.. See you on the Inside!..

Pryamid Energy reflection from within

Image created by Tracee – Electronically.
Hi everyone..

So I am just checking in with you all as I am embracing this period of energetic alignment.. which is a very rare experience that we are being given and so I am embracing it all FULLY.. in fact this period of ‘me’ time has been manifested as I have surrendered to what is and is to come.. and right now it is a time for us all to ‘just be..’ So you may find that you will not hear so much from me over these next few months.. but know that I am very much Shining my Light & in FULL creation! This is quite an amazing time.

If you want to connect with or work with me during this time then I will be available through my ‘High Dimension Portal’ every Thursday to deliver the LIVE session for AWAKENED INNER CIRCLE – so feel free to join me and the gathering community there.

I have received lately many requests for future Retreats & Course dates so also know that they are also in creation at this time.. if you want to sign up to my Newsletter then please do so here so that you will be the first to receive all that is coming!

There is an amazing flow right now that we can all tap into and it is quite simply energetically the biggest transition we will each make probably in this lifetime!

So I post this with continued Love & Unity and hope that it also inspires you to use this time for your own potential, growth & spiritual expansion – I will of course go more deeply into this, assist you also as always & hold space within the sacred space of the Awakened Inner Circle fortnightly – See you on the Inside!

My next LIVE session is Thursday 19th July 2018 @6 pm – then fortnightly.


Tracee Cullen.xx
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