Guidance.. & Live Equinox session.. Astrological New Year Energy..

Retrograde.. Equinox.. Astrological New Year Energy.. New Vibration Manifestation..

March is potent month!

High Dimension® Portal – Not yet joined the Group?
Join me within the Awakened Inner Circle – click here
– Gain access FREE to the meditation Library (the Mercury Retrograde session with be available there also).

Soul Session.. LIVE – 20th March 2019 @ 6pm GMT
Equinox.. Numerology.. Astrological New Year..
Book your place now – You will be sent a link to join the LIVE session via Zoom which is very easy, you just click the link provided to gain access. Booking linkPlease note this only viewable to you as a private link to give you the discounted price of £15. (Normally £35/£45)  Book here –

Newsletter – keep connected..
Do you want to know about updates, new events, workshops, courses & of course recieve channelling from me – Tracee, as well as current energy updates..?
– Sign up now for a way to keep connected & you also receive discounts to live events.  Sign up now

Namaste, Tracee.xx