BURSARY OPPORTUNITY.. Meditation Teacher Training.

BURSARY OPPORTUNITY for 2 people to learn Meditation Teacher Training 23rd Nov 2019.

These places will be given to those that have the passion to learn and become what they teach as per all applicants, but due to circumstances the cost of training is not accessible for reasons beyond their control.

If you feel this is you then please directly email me – details below.

I know how hard the journey can be but also how essential it is to continue our self development which encompasses our spiritual wellbeing.. many have been in financial circumstanses that have maybe had to put this on hold for some time.

The 3d world will give us all restrictions and hurdles to overcome and I have paid the most for some of my training at times I have had less so this is always about trusting the journey but in some instances due to illness or loss at times we all need some help to get back on track.

This Meditation Teacher Training course is empowering as well as assisting you to go on and assist others so the ripple effect is much needed and should be accessible to everyone.

I rarley share my own financial restraints that I have experienced but there have been many and at times the tests have been immense.

I paid £1,200 to obtain my certification, this course at full price is £895 & the 2 bursary places will be offered for 50% £447.25.

Course includes:
This includes the full 7 day accredited training course and certification with accredited status giving the immediate professional insurance required to deliver your own classes, workshops and retreats.

Not included: Accommodation. This is a non residential course.

Closing application: 31st October 2019. Those that recieve these positions will be informed directly and NOT posted or disclosed.

To apply contact me directly via email contact@traceecullen with the reasons that you should be considered for this opportunity.

It goes without saying that all shared information is confidential and that the only reason for this proecess is to assit those in an authentic position of circumstances, that this would help them to move forward.

Tracee Cullen