Becoming aware of our inner journey can seem complex and almost so overwhelming that we often do what we can to focus external from ourselves.. to become our job or dissolve into the background..

To add to this society has guided our external lives also to condition.. not be comfortable or empowered enough to feel into and explore who we are on a deeper level.. many modalities that ‘help’ are often on a surface level not at soul level..

This in itself enforces the isolation through often years.. to become more external even when we are looking in!

At some point often through life or death, major life situations we start to feel far deeper into questioning who we are and why we are here.. and our surge of compassion within to live more authentically becomes intense and so strong that we have to at some point listen.. and do the inner work.. we have to change ourselves to make a difference..

The ‘reward’ is profound both personally and collectively.. a journey into freedom of creating a higher Vibration in all that you do.. becoming authentic not living in a conditioned mindset..

It is once you start this personal journey and feel brave enough to be with yourself and explore inwards and learn and trust you are enough, good enough, you know its more than that.. its essential to deliver your authentic message.. it’s then the whole journey of life changes!

To shift awareness and work with the current energies is life changing and maybe the biggest shift is to first be open to doing this with others.. not to struggle alone and realise thousands of souls are Awakeneing.. by resonating and doing this journey together we have a supportive environment where everything you feel is felt and all the things that made you feel misunderstood.. others feel too!

Join my Awakened Inner Circle for a safe space held for this work, soul sessions, channellings and current energy monthly updates that we are experiencing made clear and that is in alignment to how you feel.. making sense to so much of the journey..

When we get to the point to even think we are of value.. instead of always striving to please others.. we can move forward and make huge changes that help not just you but those around you and way.. way.. beyond!

Have a read and see if this is what you have been looking for..

For those knowing you need to have a deeper understanding of what is going on both individually and globally and really want to work at soul level through layers of releasing what no longer serves you then read the following course page.. this is a calling and you only feel drawn when ready..

Tracee Cullen – High Dimension Teacher & Mentor –

High Dimension Awaken & Healing Programme