This is such a positive time of assension.. for me an amazing raise of vibration.. movement of where I am meant to be to delivering High Dimensional Workshops, Courses & Retreats..
A shuffling & balancing of events that I am exhibiting at which is manifesting instantly..
A clearing of old vibration a welcoming of new is all part of the process.. evolving as always.?.. progression means stepping out of the comfort zone.. being a channel to bring in & proceed with the unknown or not familiar.. to be working fully in the new energy means leading the way.. that is not yet known & requires a new level of trust in the universe & my journey.. what I am here to do.. to reach out to all those that resonate.
This is where the vocation of raising vibration & working in Love & Unity is guided.. complete universal trust..
I thank you all for the many private messages and emails as some of you can feel this shift..
So many of you being drawn to attend the High Dimensional work now.. progress.. evolving..x
Namaste everyone,
In Love & Gratitude,
Tracee Cullen