Source: Sri Lanka Retreat
Heart Language!
Source: Heart Language!
Heart Language!
'Follow your Heart'... how many times do you hear this or tell others? Many I am sure.. but how often do we actually do this.. without question..? There are many situations and times that you can 'hear' your heart.. and literally with all your 'heart' you want to do something.. but then something else pops … Continue reading Heart Language!
Many are now seeking 'freedom'.. letting go of the constraints of 'paperwork'.. manmade restrictions that are rife in the western world.. Many are seeking.. the courage to remove yourself from 'jobs/work' that depletes you.. that drains you.. that depletes your soul.. Many are now resonating.. with assisting to help change the world.. to do what … Continue reading Freedom..
New Vibrational Shifts..
This is such a positive time of assension.. for me an amazing raise of vibration.. movement of where I am meant to be to delivering High Dimensional Workshops, Courses & Retreats.. A shuffling & balancing of events that I am exhibiting at which is manifesting instantly.. A clearing of old vibration a welcoming of new … Continue reading New Vibrational Shifts..
Souls gathering.. exploring vibrational teaching..
A lovely vibrational day yeserday.. resonating with many souls that are stepping forward ready for empowerment... My courses attract many practitioners & amazing teachers in their own field that are drawn to wanting to now move forward energetically.. to work in the new energies. So lots of gratitude to the universe for bringing us all … Continue reading Souls gathering.. exploring vibrational teaching..
Be.. Love.. Evole..
Be.. see how you grow, Love.. feel how far you evolve, Dream... observe how far you aspire. Simply sit with knowing your boundries are made by you, and only you.. this ultimately will determine.. how far you reach & grow, seek & go, look & see, dream & can be! Stretch your imagination.. the universe … Continue reading Be.. Love.. Evole..
Replace fear with Love..
"Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated behavior. Fear is the product of memory, which dwells in the past. Remembering what hurt us before, we direct our energies toward making certain that an old hurt will not repeat itself. But trying to impose the past on the present will never wipe out the threat of being hurt. … Continue reading Replace fear with Love..
You are made of Earth & Stars!
Reach deep to the core of the Earth to resonate with who you are.. for you are not seperate... Reach high to the stars to know your soul.. for you are not seperate.. You are made of both the Earth & Stars.. such magic is within.. so take this moment now to resonate with all … Continue reading You are made of Earth & Stars!
Somewhere, Something incredible..
Be still.. explore your vivid dreams, 'thoughts', feelings.. ideas.. for what you are seeking.. is seeking you! Somewhere , something incredible is waiting to be known.. don't try to control or steer anything.. go within.. seek peace within.. so that it can be shown.. At this moment so many ideas will be coming to you.. this … Continue reading Somewhere, Something incredible..