Unravelling the 3D world..

Awakening is rapid now.. such a huge surge of positive energy.. it has been though, difficult to realise it, except for the inner knowing that all is okay.. that keeps reminding you deep within your core.

Whilst this current situation is unravelling there is much purging of the 3 Dimensional world.. it has to now be released and everything is ‘being shown’.. illusion is lifting.

The energy and planetary conjunctions that started this process in January were profound and continue to gain momentum.. this year 2020 is all about transformation!

This transformation is of the highest level.. to create a new way of living.. and to do this everything as we know it must change.. and breakdown to be rebuilt and this process obviously requires a lot of adjustment.. but it is what we have ‘called in’ and wanted.. been seeking.. FREEDOM to live more authentically and in kindness.. to regain balance for ALL.. to remove dictatorship, the establishment and therefore capitalism.

For many AWAKENED souls this past week or so has felt ‘foggy’ with a mass confusion.. dizziness.. tiring.. emotional – this has been the collective.. questioning.. knowing something isnt right and yet cannot explain what or why they know it.

To listen to my previous channelling earlier in the year and to navigate the current energies together then join me within the Awakened Inner Circle – High Dimension® Online Group this is held within my Portal in an online sacred space and we gather together LIVE as like minded souls monthly (although at the moment more regularly) as well as access to fortnightly meditation and soul channelled sessions to self heal and ascend through personal and spiritual development.

Subscription has been kept low to be accessible to everyone £60 for 4 months.

You need to sign up through my website and then you also gain access to the facebook page as well as the Portal. Content is available 24/7 as is the chat with like minded souls.


There is also an additional 1 hour LIVE recording from yesterday in the facebook group for access.

Namaste everyone – ‘My soul honours your soul’.

Tracee Cullen – High Dimension Teacher & Mentor – www.traceecullen.com