“”Go back to yoursefl”

As we take the higher steps into becoming conscious more fully, it can feel like an isolating journey, yet on the deepesr level we know that this is because we must continue to go within, and our sovereignty and healing requires it.

Much will come from you shining your light bright, and part of it is the essential ability to have boundries, because you will also attract those that will use your empathic good nature, for their own resistance they actually feel for themselves, but cannot yet see this for themselves.. because it is far easier to look externally than within.

Depending on our own awareness we can recognise our resistance to ourselves by our actions that we take, to do everything we can, to ‘not go within’!

Yet the experienced know that to ‘go within’ is essential and ultimately also far easier than resistance, because it is just about feeling into what is causing us the emotion.. rejection, anger, etc.. once this has been felt, and dissolved, you are left with INNER PEACE..

So we each get to choose how to decide to spend our energy, by resisting, focusing on other people and anything external, or to sit with ourselves, truly and deeply..

..and once you do you WILL, I guarantee like it..! You will wonder why you didn’t ‘do it’ before.. 🙂

To truly go within deeply is beyond guideed meditation, or even healing.. it is a concious journey, often where safe space is held for YOU, to do the inner journey, to feel empowered and therefore make life changes.

So as a spiritual teacher for many years (probably my lifetime), healing and intuitive, who has had to do this journey myself..  I hold space for you now to say..

And if you need help doing so, come confidently and safely to join the Awaken & Healing Programme, that you can work through in your own time, with my mentoring and support whilst you do so.

High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Programme Online For 2020 – details online e or email directly contact@traceecullen.com

Tracee Cullen – High Dimension Teacher & Mentor