The only path.. create the shift to walk it

Our heart is our core intuition as is the solar plexus, we know how we 'feel' (heart) and we have the passion (solar plexus) which also fuels the decision - … Continue reading The only path.. create the shift to walk it


Often when I am holding space and working with people through ascension, healing & meditation courses, assisting in the conscious shift into new vibration these souls have already done so … Continue reading OUR DEEPEST FEAR..

Bringer of light.. choosing to go within..

Be around the light bringers.. choose to break open and do the inner work.. embrace all that we can to help oursleves grow beyond our imagination and what our sub conscious 'allows' through conditioning..

How to go within?

Go within.. so many people write & talk about this… but how do we do it…? So spending time connecting & being with 'YOU'… sit in meditation /calm mind, allow … Continue reading How to go within?

Seek our own journey..

Once we are able to seek our own journey.. to realise that everything is within.. The journey becomes deeper yet easier.. less struggle other than internal conflict, passion to grow … Continue reading Seek our own journey..

Current energy..

The past 4 days have brought intense collective energy and many empaths have been releasing this energy through the impact felt. (Today should feel clearer). If you have had sleepless … Continue reading Current energy..

Rise & Shine.. :-)

ALL IS WELL.. as we continue to see the 'old paradigm' show itself through illusion bring lifted continually.. remembering its not about the actual situation, rule, drama.. its about how … Continue reading Rise & Shine.. 🙂