Together we are more..

A great 'linear time' to have a soul spring clean.. it is encouraging when we are able to release all that no longer serves us and BE present. When we realise it is a continuous process we are able to surrender more frequently and allow ourselves to be supported and nourished amongst other like minded … Continue reading Together we are more..

Change is not painful..

When you KNOW that you must create CHANGE.. make decisions that will change your direction, what you do, who you resonate with BEING..  Settle inwards.. For the moment you need SPACE, a safe one, because the changes BEING asked of you now, requires deep innerwork that you havent yet done.  YOU will have done a … Continue reading Change is not painful..


Often when I am holding space and working with people through ascension, healing & meditation courses, assisting in the conscious shift into new vibration these souls have already done so much internal work, know what is unfolding in the world and are already amazing intuitives themselves (deep inside). Together we silently acknowledge and honour they … Continue reading OUR DEEPEST FEAR..

Bringer of light.. choosing to go within..

Be around the light bringers.. choose to break open and do the inner work.. embrace all that we can to help oursleves grow beyond our imagination and what our sub conscious 'allows' through conditioning..


HAPPY HOLI...I have so many good memories of celebrating Holi in India.. my 1st experience was a bit naive as I was working there for a tour operator and driving past in full uniform on my company transport (a moped) and having from every direction paint thrown at me.. with such delight, laughter and appreciation … Continue reading HAPPY HOLI..

Just checking in with you..

UPDATE.. and check in with you all to say hi ? Am I missing India yet?.. yes just a bit.. and the sunshine.. yes a lot! But I know my calling is HERE.. for now! (Thankfully I chose it before the global manic behaviour kicked in).?? Anyway.. A nourishing of the soul week for me, … Continue reading Just checking in with you..

How to go within?

Go within.. so many people write & talk about this… but how do we do it…? So spending time connecting & being with 'YOU'… sit in meditation /calm mind, allow thoughts in and then release them (battling with them is not the answer)..focus on either your breathe or a simple mantra/affirmation that resonates with you … Continue reading How to go within?

Current energy..

The past 4 days have brought intense collective energy and many empaths have been releasing this energy through the impact felt. (Today should feel clearer). If you have had sleepless nights especially the 6th for those most conscious and also the 7th, as well as possible out of character angry or raging outbursts or extreme … Continue reading Current energy..

Shift awareness in an instant..

You may well start to feel if you havent already that 'guided meditation' and 'mindfulness' are not deep enough for you and that you still have a busy mind.. they are great for relaxation and becoming present.. BUT.. not our natural state. This is when you know you are ready to relax into BEING.. aware … Continue reading Shift awareness in an instant..

Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

Wishing everyone a happy solstice & Grand Conjunction - Aquarian energy! Poignant energy for the raise in vibration of this transformational year 2020.?? Due to the alignments of Saturn & Jupiter, normally aligned in earth signs but for the first time in 200 years also in air (aquarius). This is a significant day and one … Continue reading Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.