Shift awareness in an instant..

You may well start to feel if you havent already that 'guided meditation' and 'mindfulness' are not deep enough for you and that you still have a busy mind.. they are great for relaxation and becoming present.. BUT.. not our natural state. This is when you know you are ready to relax into BEING.. aware … Continue reading Shift awareness in an instant..

Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

Wishing everyone a happy solstice & Grand Conjunction - Aquarian energy! Poignant energy for the raise in vibration of this transformational year 2020.?? Due to the alignments of Saturn & Jupiter, normally aligned in earth signs but for the first time in 200 years also in air (aquarius). This is a significant day and one … Continue reading Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

The most useful asset of a person..

As a healer and empath this is a natural way to be, but often we can give and give, without the ability to have boundries or balance in our own lives, often wanting to withdraw from the world. It is when we give so much of ourselves that peoples need of you shifts that we … Continue reading The most useful asset of a person..