The only path.. create the shift to walk it

Our heart is our core intuition as is the solar plexus, we know how we 'feel' (heart) and we have the passion (solar plexus) which also fuels the decision - (fear or free will)? This is where soul choice comes in and it is here that we MUST choose ourselves. We have to have the … Continue reading The only path.. create the shift to walk it

Womens Day.. Celebrate Divine feminine in us ALL.. Shiva | Shakti

Ascension and the awakening of the Aquarian Age is about the divine feminine rising.. This is about our 'connection' and knowing we are not seperate from the earth. When we allow our nurturing energy to rise and soften us.. It is not about gender specific because we are 'fluid and evolving' in our ascension, labels … Continue reading Womens Day.. Celebrate Divine feminine in us ALL.. Shiva | Shakti

Bringer of light.. choosing to go within..

Be around the light bringers.. choose to break open and do the inner work.. embrace all that we can to help oursleves grow beyond our imagination and what our sub conscious 'allows' through conditioning..

Avoidance or rebalance?

We are seeing many people being triggered now to finally release that which is holding them back and if we are really on the journey to keep raising vibration, then we will see this in ourselves too. There are so many scenioros playing out rapidly now amongst ourselves, that have huge potential for clearing, growth, … Continue reading Avoidance or rebalance?

Just checking in with you..

UPDATE.. and check in with you all to say hi ? Am I missing India yet?.. yes just a bit.. and the sunshine.. yes a lot! But I know my calling is HERE.. for now! (Thankfully I chose it before the global manic behaviour kicked in).?? Anyway.. A nourishing of the soul week for me, … Continue reading Just checking in with you..

Current energy..

The past 4 days have brought intense collective energy and many empaths have been releasing this energy through the impact felt. (Today should feel clearer). If you have had sleepless nights especially the 6th for those most conscious and also the 7th, as well as possible out of character angry or raging outbursts or extreme … Continue reading Current energy..

Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

Wishing everyone a happy solstice & Grand Conjunction - Aquarian energy! Poignant energy for the raise in vibration of this transformational year 2020.?? Due to the alignments of Saturn & Jupiter, normally aligned in earth signs but for the first time in 200 years also in air (aquarius). This is a significant day and one … Continue reading Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.