The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..?

The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..? When you book with me to attend one of my courses, private session or retreats it is always a special moment and an exchange to honour in energy. Most people work with me over several years and complete several courses as they evolve, grow and shift … Continue reading The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..?


Often when I am holding space and working with people through ascension, healing & meditation courses, assisting in the conscious shift into new vibration these souls have already done so much internal work, know what is unfolding in the world and are already amazing intuitives themselves (deep inside). Together we silently acknowledge and honour they … Continue reading OUR DEEPEST FEAR..

How to go within?

Go within.. so many people write & talk about this… but how do we do it…? So spending time connecting & being with 'YOU'… sit in meditation /calm mind, allow thoughts in and then release them (battling with them is not the answer)..focus on either your breathe or a simple mantra/affirmation that resonates with you … Continue reading How to go within?

Shift awareness in an instant..

You may well start to feel if you havent already that 'guided meditation' and 'mindfulness' are not deep enough for you and that you still have a busy mind.. they are great for relaxation and becoming present.. BUT.. not our natural state. This is when you know you are ready to relax into BEING.. aware … Continue reading Shift awareness in an instant..

Worry.. is like a rocking chair!

Whilst we are in the most transformative and ultimately positive energy shift, 'worry' can still sneak in, even if we are incredibly aligned to change or have a conscious awareness. It is the 'human aspects' of ourselves that is in survival mode. (Don't be harsh with yourself, see it for what it is and then … Continue reading Worry.. is like a rocking chair!

Emerge & Fly..

Emerge & fly!xx The caterpillar during the ascension process (catalyst) cannot see through the darkness at times but within is undoing everything it was to become what they are.. and its beautiful, colourful and light.. shining bright and can FLY having found freedom. The Butterfly is not afraid to use their new wings and explore … Continue reading Emerge & Fly..


Many aspects of ascension requires us to go deeper, just when we 'think' we have reached a 'better' space.. there is more, challenging our current awareness, perception or belief.. the truth is we are ascending in every moment. When it gets tiring or 'too out there' for our current conscious awareness we can want to … Continue reading WHEN WE CHOOSE TO..


BEING inclusive as healers and intuitives, honouring the journey and all those whom have been a partnof it so far..

Shift inward.. your wellbeing needs it!

Through many years of inner work, survival, and pushing through, awakening from a conditioned society our souls need rest, nurturing and to be able to align to natural bio rythems. These are functions of the serotonin/pituitary gland which are supported and become expansive through meditation. This is known by both science and intuition! When in … Continue reading Shift inward.. your wellbeing needs it!

What is Halloween.. in the New Vibration?

Halloween.. in the New Vibration. As we move rapidly into New Vibration.. we have to question everything.. as we let go of 'tradition' born from conditioning, polarity, fear and ritual it is days like this that we 'look' into what is Halloween? Well it has and is considered by many the closest or thinest of … Continue reading What is Halloween.. in the New Vibration?