Bring colour and vibrancy to your life.. Happy Holi

Happy Holi.. to all my Indian friends and all those who resonate with this festival. My favorite for sure! Many happy memories over the years of vibrancy, 'playing colour' and also hiding from it at times! - this festival goes on for several days and I had to leave one year on about day 3 … Continue reading Bring colour and vibrancy to your life.. Happy Holi

Creation is core.. fuel your challenges.

Here @ Chi.. as always creation is core and having always made my own lotions and potions, aromatherapy blends for people and products to gift and sell, this year brings even more creativity and exploring more options. Wellbeing is essential and empowering when we align to our inner knowing and our rebalancing takes places through … Continue reading Creation is core.. fuel your challenges.

Seek our own journey..

Once we are able to seek our own journey.. to realise that everything is within.. The journey becomes deeper yet easier.. less struggle other than internal conflict, passion to grow and release layers. Much of our lives up until this point will have been about attempting to please others or worrying about others perceptions of … Continue reading Seek our own journey..

Shift in Vibration..

There is a massive shift in vibration.. everything is being shown… without duality.. True colours of the souls that you connect with… this is amazing for those that come forward to offer you love, support, friendship, a soul connection in some way, words of wisdom… Yes these are the ones to focus on.. be drawn … Continue reading Shift in Vibration..