Alignment.. Imminent energy.

Holding this beautiful space and energy now throughout this day and the next 4.. to align and birth the next chapter.. literally!

With the full moon, Holi tomorrow (festival of colour, celebration of good wins over evil), the Spring Equinox & Astrological New Year on Sunday.. it is to be surrendered to, held and allow. JUST BE. As well as achieve anything creative that needs birthing. I am quietly doing so.

A part of this is to deliver the High Dimension Meditation®? method in a more prominent way and from monday I welcome and support the new teachers of this method to share it with others also. All to help raise vibration and bring expansion of energy colectively. So needed right now and it is a profound method that brings us back to our natural state.

Community is also in the flow.. and requires both the ‘ebb and flow’ together, and have to be navigated until Monday, for this to also be ready for rebirth! So also low key for the moment, however nothing forgotten, still productive and full intention given. I have met with several souls these past few weeks and spoken to as many as possible for alignment awareness, progress and to set intention and gather for the highest greatest good. So all is well. I can’t be everywhere physically but yet spiritually possible.

It is esential right now for me to be sure who I want to and what I want to spend my linear time on, energy and share space. As it should also be for all of you, so I recommend this weekend you also sit within and re-evaluate life.. in this way. There is SO MUCH goodness to unleash now! CHOOSE wisely.

Yes it requires making SOUL CHOICES this weekend.

Side note though..
There has been a mix of energy leading up to this moment this past week and so also be gentle with you, because you may well have felt ‘split in 2’.. energised and then exhausted, inspired and then no focus, focused to go forward and then like giving it up, close to people then far apart, and so on..

It is also likely that you have made ‘judgement’ and maybe even ‘blame’ to others, this is disempowering and infact by trying to hold your own actually giving your power away. It can fester in the current surge of energy if not, faced, dealt with, dissolved, spoken of healthily or recognised.

Remember we are all unique, and so we don’t have to settle our energy to any caliber, level or try to prove who we are, its fighting alignment not causing it to balance.

If you have found yourself doing this then simply go back inward because it is showing where you still need some healing and feel competition.. the very thing you don’t want!

And so.. embrace it all!

Do lots of MEDITATION and chant OM to align and remember you are part of the UNIVERSE.

See you on the inside!

Tracee Cullen Spiritual Teacher & Mentor : CHI Mind, Body & Spirit Academy