Creating the life we want.. Sharing a part of my journey.

Hi everyone, its always refreshing to see a gathering of like minded souls as this page shows. I want to share with you part of my journey.

As many of you know I have been delivering Spiritual Awakening & Finding You retreats since 2011, so travel has been a huge part of my life since I was 13 years old.?

For so many wanting to ‘escape’, find freedom and change countries I feel called to share my experience and current awareness of ‘now’ as maybe it may help someone.
Sorry if its long..?

Through my teachings and chanelling I have felt and being delivering workshops, courses etc about these current times for many years and something I feel to share is that I have been living in both India & UK since 2011. On summer solstice 2028, I was in India (monsoon) and had a very clear vision of the shift in the western world significance and the Eastern in seeking the 3D/material, I had my apartment and work there and had previously decided to stay there more than UK, a great community, accommodation, 2 dogs, local family support and friends for years, so no intention of being in UK.

The vision was so profound I knew I was being called to the UK and that much work would be done by the ‘Western woman’ & (divine feminine so men as well)..? within 24 hours I had organised everything to leave fully (I had been flying home for 8 weeks). Normally its gut wrenching coming back if for a long time but I knew at soul level it was right. I gave up my apartment and did as I have done on my spiritual journey TRUSTED and participated in ‘getting this done’ this ascension process and holding space in the west as the CORE control is here (has to be).

I see when working with awakend souls, (which as you know is what I do), clearing and holding space for empowerment to step up & confidently use their voice and to follow their passion, find a work life balance and spiritual development, that often and more prominently now, when the inner calling is to go ‘off grid’ move overseas etc we are wanting to create that life of freedom, which is understandable and of course part of the ascension process.

As I have, you have, already been called to be where you are NOW so that we can create as the current energy is aligning us to ‘create this life of freedom’, the NEW way of living aligned to compassion for us ALL this is global ascension and about the old paradigm and systems coming down and us having to actively participate in creating new ways in EVERYTHING.

Its hugely positive and as we know, its what the whole journey is about. It is tough and it will get ‘worse’ on the face of it because people only awaken through challenge and until it becomes too much for each person personally and finally find their voice, speak up and find courage to create and BE the change.

Whilst it is overwhelming at times for us all, I know that since 2011 (significant to all of this) when I have been delivering talks all over UK, India, Greece etc and working with souls through ascension that each day it gets ‘lighter’, it appears to be heavier but only as the 3D shifts and old systems fall.. we also have amazing community like this and WE are many.

Everything is aligned for the most amazing postive way forward, and to create the future we have to do it in the present. This is to have the FREEDOM and better lifestyle for us ALL and not just to find it for ourselves. This is where we see the REAL unity happen now and will lead us then to oneness.

If you made it this far.. then you resonate and know that we have ‘got this’.?

Thank you for sharing this space and sending continued love and support to all.

P.s. just incase your wondering and don’t know, I now have 2 Indian dogs living with me here in Devon.??

I have also worked hard thos past 3 years to get established and have now my own independent (off Facebook portal) for followers, students and friends so that we can network together and support each other especially locally. Message me if you want to join.

Namaste – ‘My soul honours your soul’

Tracee Cullen: Spiritual Teacher & Mentor : High Dimension Meditation