High Dimension Meditation®? – established in 2013
Great things are happening for the High Dimension Meditation®? method.
For those of you wanting to learn and experience this method, attend a class and shift awareness through this simple, yet incredible experience. Then good news is on its way..
I have been working hard to make High Dimension Meditation®? more accessible, because the proven results and impact that this method has had for myself initially when chanelled back in 2013, and then with every person I shared it with through my teachings, in my classes, courses and workshops over the years has been literally profound.
So I am delighted to share that last month I held a sucessful High Dimension Meditation®? Teacher Training Course and so we have 5 new teachers that will be able to offer this method after the 20th March 2022. These classes will all be delivered ‘in person’ either at a local venue or online.
Each teacher has actively ‘shown up’ to do their own inner work at a deep level and have all worked with me over several years, attended & completed with certification the following, leading upto this moment;
The High Dimension Awaken & Healing Programme – an intensive deep soul journey through self healing and ascension.
They have ALL completed their Meditation Teacher Training Course immersive 7 day or 1 month (Certificated and accredited) course to be confident to hold space and support people in groups and teaching meditation methods and are competent having learnt himalyan ancient techniques and new vibration all through me and passed my High standards of teaching (that you know I have, becaise of my passion to assist transformation)?
Completed the High Dimension Meditation®? Teacher Training course
All of the above gives them a good ethos, understanding, compassion & strength, as good teachers to support you.
As well us all working together as a team to deliver this natural method.
The Portal will hold resources and also introduction workshops and courses.
We are a supportive network of teachers all empowered and passionate to deliver this method to as many people as possible, to empower others to create conscious change in their lives, through BEING.. knowing who you are as energy is key to these teachings.
So I look forward to being able to give you direct details of High Dimension Meditation®? classes, workshops & courses soon.
The transformation in our lives as we shift consciousness into BEING is life changing.
Tracee Cullen.
- High Dimension®? Intuitive Teachings