ARE YOU LIVING YOUR LIFE CONCIOUSLY OR SUB CONCIOUSLY!? Freedom through ascension is what we have been seeking for some time.. it is now. So now we find ourselves in this massive aligned shift to bring down the 3D world as we know it.. it is beyond the just characters within a government.. it is … Continue reading ARE YOU LIVING YOUR LIFE CONCIOUSLY OR SUB CONCIOUSLY!?
SHIFTING AWARENESS CONCIOUSLY | CHANGE THROUGH INNER WORK | 🙂 Becoming aware of our inner journey can seem complex and almost so overwhelming that we often do what we can to focus external from ourselves.. to become our job or dissolve into the background.. To add to this society has guided our external lives also … Continue reading SHIFTING AWARENESS CONCIOUSLY | CHANGE THROUGH INNER WORK
A lovely day of being totally enveloped in meditation.. a great group to work with on this Meditation Foundation Journey. Meditation.. It's all about us each taking responsibility for our own inner work (which is continuous), and despite all resistance sit with ourselves and go within.. we can after the initial resistance be at peace … Continue reading Meditation..
Resistance to ‘go within’..
The hardest thing we will ever do is 'go within '.. and we will ALL do it it is just a matter of when and how much resistance is about how painful it feels. It is essential that we do this 'work' on ourselves and also why we are here! Collectively that is all that … Continue reading Resistance to ‘go within’..
Spiritual (war)? Are you secretly awake..!
A 'conspiracy' is hidden.. This is not.. A Spiritual shift.. or a ('war') as mainstream are often using.. has to be shown.. the illusion lifted.. it is ALL there to be seen..????? We just have to individually want to choose freedom and get past the overwhelm.. to look.. seek within.. trust ourselves and then each … Continue reading Spiritual (war)? Are you secretly awake..!
Ascension is about Conciousness and BEING.. When we are able to start to view everything it can become overwhelming yet also profoundly liberating.. to then find that WE ARE MANY.. is amazing..? There are layers and layers to awakening.. we dont just #awaken and that's it..???? it is about continued growth, being authentic and using … Continue reading Ascension..
Collaboration.. for Gaia..
Happy Earth Day everyone.. It is now more than ever needed for us all to raise vibration and move forward together and raise vibration in UNITY.. For some this will be hard to break the 'old' habits of doing everything alone.. Join together and work together in Unity. . Look at the many collaborations around … Continue reading Collaboration.. for Gaia..
Holding Space can be exhausting..
Holding space | Can be exhausting | Take Care of yourself too.. 🙂 Holding space has many apects to it.. it is about being there to listen and be non judgemental but also as we know in these rapid awakening times it is also about people questioning.. feeling unsure.. scared and mostly in fear. Holding … Continue reading Holding Space can be exhausting..
Empower yourself with Awakening..
Now.. is the 'time' to empower yourself.. to go within through meditation.. to bring your own sense of inner peace, calm and remove the busyness.. We each have a choice to go within or to keep seeking externally.. everything we need to replenish, grow and ascend is within.. It is essential that our awareness allows … Continue reading Empower yourself with Awakening..
Happy Birthday.. CHI..
Established 2004.. 16 years on and the tranquil space of Chi - Mind, Body & Spirit remains to be a sacred space for delivering holistic and spiritual teachings for those awakening & raising Vibration. Many soul sessions, channellings, intuitive readings, workshops, courses & groups are delivered here through in person training as well as also … Continue reading Happy Birthday.. CHI..