SHIFTING AWARENESS CONCIOUSLY | CHANGE THROUGH INNER WORK | 🙂 Becoming aware of our inner journey can seem complex and almost so overwhelming that we often do what we can to focus external from ourselves.. to become our job or dissolve into the background.. To add to this society has guided our external lives also … Continue reading SHIFTING AWARENESS CONCIOUSLY | CHANGE THROUGH INNER WORK


A lovely day of being totally enveloped in meditation.. a great group to work with on this Meditation Foundation Journey. Meditation.. It's all about us each taking responsibility for our own inner work (which is continuous), and despite all resistance sit with ourselves and go within.. we can after the initial resistance be at peace … Continue reading Meditation..


Ascension is about Conciousness and BEING.. When we are able to start to view everything it can become overwhelming yet also profoundly liberating.. to then find that WE ARE MANY.. is amazing..? There are layers and layers to awakening.. we dont just #awaken and that's it..???? it is about continued growth, being authentic and using … Continue reading Ascension..