Here @ Chi.. as always creation is core and having always made my own lotions and potions, aromatherapy blends for people and products to gift and sell, this year brings even more creativity and exploring more options. Wellbeing is essential and empowering when we align to our inner knowing and our rebalancing takes places through … Continue reading Creation is core.. fuel your challenges.
The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..? When you book with me to attend one of my courses, private session or retreats it is always a special moment and an exchange to honour in energy. Most people work with me over several years and complete several courses as they evolve, grow and shift … Continue reading The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..?
HOW TO QUIETEN THE 'NOISE', (CHITTA), DO SO NOW TO BE CLEAR WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR SOUL CHOICE ON A VACCINE.. There is much 'divide' out there at the moment as expected and this is not a surprise, as for century's divide and rule is a very known tatic and the Western world is brilliant … Continue reading HOW TO QUIETEN THE ‘NOISE’, (CHITTA) – SOUL CHOICE ON YOUR HEALTH..
You may well start to feel if you havent already that 'guided meditation' and 'mindfulness' are not deep enough for you and that you still have a busy mind.. they are great for relaxation and becoming present.. BUT.. not our natural state. This is when you know you are ready to relax into BEING.. aware … Continue reading Shift awareness in an instant..
Wishing everyone a happy solstice & Grand Conjunction - Aquarian energy! Poignant energy for the raise in vibration of this transformational year 2020.?? Due to the alignments of Saturn & Jupiter, normally aligned in earth signs but for the first time in 200 years also in air (aquarius). This is a significant day and one … Continue reading Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.
As we 'step up into UNITY we can do so more confidently now, as we leave behind the past few years of 'unity illusion' I call it! Where despite best intentions, many collaborations were out of materialism or it has been to create from the will of ego, to still bring in or be in … Continue reading Step up into UNITY.. without illusion.
As we now bring this year '4' to a close, energetically we have been establishing our foundation, clearing all the debris and old systems both on an individual and collective basis that no longer can be considered a part of our foundation, what we build our future on. We have for so long in 'pockets … Continue reading THIS OLD PARADIGM IS LIKE A WOBBLY TOOTH..!
There is much to be thankful for.. its just that we have to 'actively participate' to align and seek the everyday magic.. When we raise our vibration with whatever soothes our soul, shifts our reality, sets our positive intention or brings focus to the 'now'.. to this present moment.. then our awareness alters.. we choose … Continue reading Seek the magic..
Through many years of inner work, survival, and pushing through, awakening from a conditioned society our souls need rest, nurturing and to be able to align to natural bio rythems. These are functions of the serotonin/pituitary gland which are supported and become expansive through meditation. This is known by both science and intuition! When in … Continue reading Shift inward.. your wellbeing needs it!