You cannot save someone from themselves..

When you choose to embark on YOUR journey of self healing… you will be guided and supported… the universe helps give you the strength to face your fears and let go..

As a mentor and channel of healing energy for many years.. the hardest lesson to learn is that you cannot… ‘save someone from themselves’…

This is an individual soul choice to go forward… every individual shifts and heals to some degree… but sometimes the overwhelming desire to ‘stay as they are’ will kick in..and there is nothing you can do about it…

Understand that on your journey of healing (that is actually continous for us all as we evolve)… that you must fully accept responsibility for yourself… value you. .. respect you… and heal you.. your challenges will be highlighted for you to release by your soul.. in your feelings and thoughts… and this can be hard to face. . but without being shown (by your higher self).. what is causing you the pain how can you choose to let go?

The amazing truth is those that come through… shine even brighter… that is the power of self healing..!!

A ‘Healer’.. is the channel to allow you the space for healing to take place… what you do with it is up to you… (so take responsibility)…

Over the years (and probably lifetimes!).. I have had the privilege to see so many souls evolve and shine.. however difficult it is… and I have seen a few.. that will not choose to move forward and choose to stay trapped in fear.. as strange as it seems… it ‘appears’ easier to stay in fear or blame someone else!

So let’s send love and healing out to all that are connected on this page to push through… and shine.. you are supported (if you choose to accept)… soul choice…

Much love…
Tracee Cullen High Dimension Teacher

Journey through your own ascension consciously: