Both men and women have divine feminine energy and this is rising in both energies.. rapidly! Even the word 'wo men' has both genders mentioned and yet 'neutral'so also supports the 3rd gender that many ancient tribes mention and honour. As we rise to oneness.. gender will be less specific.. as we are all simply … Continue reading Divine Feminine Energy.. Both Men & Women.. Rise..
Awakened woman
An Awakened woman.. Divine femine energy is rising rapidly both in men & women (not gender specific this is energy).. however if you are also an awakened feminine energy you will resonate fully.. as you select those that take this journey with you! If you are a divine masculine you will be well aware of … Continue reading Awakened woman
Eclipse time!
So again Happy New Year to you all.. 2019 is an incredible year waiting to be explored and is definately an eclipse year as we will experience six this coming year! Many of you will have felt the vibration to 'want' to get started on the 'new' it reality you will be feeling not quite … Continue reading Eclipse time!
Happy New Years Eve everyone. As we complete this year 11 - with powerful Master Energy lets all be reflective about who we were a year ago.. because EVERY person has received a massive transformation at soul level and those that are conciously aware will be able to reflect on the lessons that have shifted … Continue reading MASTER YEAR REFLECTION!
Spiritual Awakening.. The Teacher!
Spiritual Awakening.. Absolutely a fact for most on this journey.. For many of you that I have worked with me over the years will know that I often say.. 'I am aware that.. I challenge you.. this is with LOVE'.. always with LOVE! This is never a specific goal or intention.. it just simply is … Continue reading Spiritual Awakening.. The Teacher!
One to one sessions
One to One Sessions.. Thank you for your patience for those that have been waiting to book a private Intuitive session with me..? I have now uploaded the LIVE availability. As a good will here is a discount code for your patience and as a master year 11 gift! This applies to those sessions booked … Continue reading One to one sessions
DESTINY.. is Calling!
DESTINY.. The opportunities are given.. time and again.. It is simply when we can walk on past our fears to recieve our destiny! Others will try to hold you back not through spite buy their own fears of losing you.. if only they could see that it is not losing you but gaining something amazing.. … Continue reading DESTINY.. is Calling!
Beyond.. your comfort zone
Stepping up and knowing that; The old vibration gives you the next stepping stone in front of you and clarity before you change, move forward or take a decision. The new vibration requires you to trust from within what feels right.. then to step forward confidently anyway and do it without knowing all the answers! … Continue reading Beyond.. your comfort zone
The Awakening Journey
The Awakening.. Each soul on this journey has their own hardships.. they are the divine lessons of growth.. and each journey is different.. UNIQUE! Remeber that.. we are each unique and our vibrations are our story of life.. As a child we are conditioned dependant on our individual circumstances and location.. (thays it and would … Continue reading The Awakening Journey
11:11 Portal & Meditation
So welcome 11:11 Portal Energy with positivity and all that you wish & dream. (Then dream bigger)!? A time to create the next stage of your journey.. always make sure that when doing so it is without control or being specific - the easiest manifestation is to simply ask for anything that is meant for … Continue reading 11:11 Portal & Meditation