Blog & Musings

Introverts.. Gently shaking the world!

In a gentle way we can shake the world' - Mahatma Gandhi For ALL the Intuitives, empaths, light workers and game changers.. this will resonate.. Throughout life needing time alone to recharge, finding brash loud situations often too much.. especially whilst enjoying socialising and you will have done your fair share.. but feel to withdraw … Continue reading Introverts.. Gently shaking the world!

We will know we have made the right decision..

Peace in our heart..That is something to listen to.. our heart.. We all make continued decisions in every moment.. make sure they resonate within your heart & not just from the lips.. As we enjoy another day today of hopefully relaxation for most of you with those you love.. our physical & energetic bodies are … Continue reading We will know we have made the right decision..

Solar Eclipse Energy – Finding New Solutions to old ways!

Wishing everyone Solstice Blessings, love and kindness - starting with self! Wow.. what intense energy and physical shifts the past few weeks have been for us all.. NOW we enter the New Moon Solar Eclipse - Finding new ways to Old solutions! Whilst we have had a major shift this past fews weeks many have … Continue reading Solar Eclipse Energy – Finding New Solutions to old ways!

Energy Video Update December 2019..

Energy update December 2019 & Spiritual overview of 'conscious' current awareness for the collective. We have a very potent day 12th December brings us the Full Moon in Gemini & the collective rising within us to make conscious decisions is being shown and deeply felt. As we are aware of the UK voting day … Continue reading Energy Video Update December 2019..

The picture that sums up the imbalance of wealth in brition.. my take on the Awakening!

Seeing this picture (below), post, media report this morning.. reminds me of an image I still hold landing into Mubai airport.. as you descend you see the reality in a visual thats stays with you.. you cant really beilieve the extreme contrast and its life changing for those that are awakend to feel deeply & … Continue reading The picture that sums up the imbalance of wealth in brition.. my take on the Awakening!

Consciousness is Energy.. Choose your Awakening path & heal to ascension.

Finally the film is coming.. The-1-Field.. by many of the 'Kyron' team.. its bringing through.. Conciousness is ENERGY.. & can be measured.What we 'think' collectively affects conciousness.. We are so much more connected to the Magetic fileld than we realise! If this resonates.. then my High Dimension® Awaken & Healing Programme - 10 days - … Continue reading Consciousness is Energy.. Choose your Awakening path & heal to ascension.