BURSARY OPPORTUNITY.. Meditation Teacher Training.

BURSARY OPPORTUNITY for 2 people to learn Meditation Teacher Training 23rd Nov 2019. These places will be given to those that have the passion to learn and become what they teach as per all applicants, but due to circumstances the cost of training is not accessible for reasons beyond their control. If you feel this … Continue reading BURSARY OPPORTUNITY.. Meditation Teacher Training.

As life brings ‘busyiness’.. reach within..

I am feeling blessed and aware of the essential practice of meditation.. We all need inner peace.. seeking within.. As life brings us 'busyiness' in many different ways.. it can be more difficult to reach within. I am thankful that after many years of meditation that this is a 'normal' daily practice for me and … Continue reading As life brings ‘busyiness’.. reach within..

Global shifts.. Navigate the Awakening..

  This is a very potent time (that we have been waiting for)! With this as expected comes much 'uncertainty and fear' from the collective as does the balance of those that know.. those that have been believing and knowing that this is possible.. YOU. A breaking down of the 'establishment' of the man made system.. … Continue reading Global shifts.. Navigate the Awakening..