Meditation – Breath.. Shift into BEING..

Its the essence of spiritual development, becoming the clear channel – meditation. I don’t mean the external guided sessions (great for relaxation though and becoming more present), I mean the deeper inner journey..

Where you start to consciouy make choices to discover within, to create space through breathe and focus your energy to create a deeper experience of life, of what its actually about.. being a spirtual BEING, living a human existance.

This deeper journey within is about facilitating yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and being able to direct your own energy and knowing how to control your thoughts into creating your positive reality, rather than feeling exhausted with a busy mind or always reliving old choices that no longer serve you.

To get started there are 5 easy steps that support your relaxation that anyone can do and by starting at this point you can create and then deepen your own meditation practice at home, or advance to become a meditation teacher and help others to find this within themselves.

My teachings are all about transformation at soul level and imparting knowledge to enable you to do it yourself.. I don’t deliver regular meditation classes anymore because my focus is to teach these ancient himalayas, yogic practices to help those who are ready to realise that they have everything within and support them to learn how to find their own empowerment, use their energy to turn their life into something more aligned, meaningful and that satisfies the soul and to create this for themselves.

I am currently delivering the 100 hour meditation course, which is such a heartfelt space where an even deeper transformation takes place than the Meditation Teacher Training, that the beauty there is always a deeper level to take yourself through ancient techniques and new vibrational awareness.

Through meditation we reach higher levels of consciousness and naturally shed anything that no longer serves us.

Its the essence of spiritual development and becoming the clear channel.

Thos is the ‘vehicle’ to being in service on a deeper level and to having the courage to answerbyour inner calling to ‘there is more’.. you know it and you feel it..

The time is now!

Tracee Cullen: Spiritual Teacher & Mentor : High Dimension Meditation

Foundation – 2 Days beginners 6th March

Meditation Teacher Training – 7 Days or held over 1 month – 13th March

100 hours – 6 Days (+must have completed the MTT previously) – 22nd May

Full details available at or message me directly.