High Dimension Meditation®

High Dimension Meditation® Introduction.. I have been meditating for many years and throughout this time used many techniques and developed meditation classes, sessions and retreats – Tracee Cullen. It is important to realise that meditation has shifted enormously in alignment with vibration and therefore we must change our approach accordingly as many are now not finding it easy to meditate..

Follow your Passion..

Whats on your list.. If your wanting to break free from your own restrictions... then come and join me for.. High Dimension Calling.. Follow your Passion.. - Make your work your passion.? http://traceecullen.com/high-dimension-calling-follow-your-passion/ There is no better reward for me personally following my own passion/purpose than seeing someone follow theirs.. however it has to be … Continue reading Follow your Passion..

When the student is ready.. Collective Consciousness.

Awaken everyone! Just a reminder to seek Guidance.. Have a Teacher hold space for you & honour that.. So you can go within.. For there is everything! Be grateful for.. When the student is ready the teacher appears.. and equally.. When the student is ready the Teacher disappears! This is profound growth.. it's also an … Continue reading When the student is ready.. Collective Consciousness.

Awakening with.. SNOW! Earth.. Food & Water..

Awareness of the bigger picture.. So the 'snow' has brought many lessons and has assisted in raising vibration.. on many levels. Firstly again in areas badly affected it has brought community spirit.. people coming together in unity. Technology has given us advanced warning.. and 'time' to prepare. The Media.. continues to bring fear.. a 'negative' … Continue reading Awakening with.. SNOW! Earth.. Food & Water..