Meditation – Breath.. Shift into BEING..

Its the essence of spiritual development, becoming the clear channel - meditation. I don't mean the external guided sessions (great for relaxation though and becoming more present), I mean the deeper inner journey.. Where you start to consciouy make choices to discover within, to create space through breathe and focus your energy to create a … Continue reading Meditation – Breath.. Shift into BEING..

Thinking and feeling different, to who you ever were..

You know when you have shifted because you have such a different perspective on ALL things in life, because you have evolved beyond who you used to be and that feels mostly really positive but a part of you still trys to 'conform' and be who you were, around those whom do not align to … Continue reading Thinking and feeling different, to who you ever were..

How to go within?

Go within.. so many people write & talk about this… but how do we do it…? So spending time connecting & being with 'YOU'… sit in meditation /calm mind, allow thoughts in and then release them (battling with them is not the answer)..focus on either your breathe or a simple mantra/affirmation that resonates with you … Continue reading How to go within?

Shift in Vibration..

There is a massive shift in vibration.. everything is being shown… without duality.. True colours of the souls that you connect with… this is amazing for those that come forward to offer you love, support, friendship, a soul connection in some way, words of wisdom… Yes these are the ones to focus on.. be drawn … Continue reading Shift in Vibration..


HOW TO QUIETEN THE 'NOISE', (CHITTA), DO SO NOW TO BE CLEAR WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR SOUL CHOICE ON A VACCINE.. There is much 'divide' out there at the moment as expected and this is not a surprise, as for century's divide and rule is a very known tatic and the Western world is brilliant … Continue reading HOW TO QUIETEN THE ‘NOISE’, (CHITTA) – SOUL CHOICE ON YOUR HEALTH..