This is something I have spoken about a lot over the past 3 or 4 years specifically and yesterday in the Awakened Inner Circle. We are all wanting to gather together but for each soul it is detemind by awareness as to what the intention is. The ascension we are ALL experiencing is part of … Continue reading Give more than you take..
Blog & Musings
Womens Day.. Celebrate Divine feminine in us ALL.. Shiva | Shakti
Ascension and the awakening of the Aquarian Age is about the divine feminine rising.. This is about our 'connection' and knowing we are not seperate from the earth. When we allow our nurturing energy to rise and soften us.. It is not about gender specific because we are 'fluid and evolving' in our ascension, labels … Continue reading Womens Day.. Celebrate Divine feminine in us ALL.. Shiva | Shakti
High Dimension Meditation®?
High Dimension Meditation®? - established in 2013 Great things are happening for the High Dimension Meditation®? method. For those of you wanting to learn and experience this method, attend a class and shift awareness through this simple, yet incredible experience. Then good news is on its way.. I have been working hard to make High … Continue reading High Dimension Meditation®?
When teacher say ‘go within’.. this is how you do it!
FREE Guide for you - 5 Steps to Meditation. When teachers say 'go within' this is how you 'do it'! This is to help breakthrough the overwhelm of getting started with meditation or to help you get back into it when life has become 'busy' and taken you away from yourself and you need … Continue reading When teacher say ‘go within’.. this is how you do it!
Just do it now..
RESISTANCE | SOUL CALLING | JUST DO IT! This past few days and weeks f/book, and google memories and several people that have previously attended retreats with me have sent through precious memories, reminders, photos and some have contacted me to ask if, when I am running retreats again and it has reminded me of … Continue reading Just do it now..
What point do we go within?
AlIGN TO BEING | GO WITHIN | MANTRA Ascension takes us through many levels of awareness and is a continuous process for our whole lifetime on the earth plane. There does come a point though that we learn that we MUST work deeply on ourselves, respond not react and remove ourselves from drama and external … Continue reading What point do we go within?
The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..?
The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..? When you book with me to attend one of my courses, private session or retreats it is always a special moment and an exchange to honour in energy. Most people work with me over several years and complete several courses as they evolve, grow and shift … Continue reading The commitment and investment is in YOU not me..?
Who’s boss?
It's times like this (storm warning weather) that we have an opportunity to recalibrate and look at our significance in the world. As a physical. The universe is BOSS. Earth|nature will, in a second bring us back to the realisation that we need to learn to align to the weather, the seasons, moon cycles. This … Continue reading Who’s boss?
Often when I am holding space and working with people through ascension, healing & meditation courses, assisting in the conscious shift into new vibration these souls have already done so much internal work, know what is unfolding in the world and are already amazing intuitives themselves (deep inside). Together we silently acknowledge and honour they … Continue reading OUR DEEPEST FEAR..
Awakening waves..
Resharing for those that resonate.xx It's always in July leading up to to August empowerment energy that this ignites us. A great opportunity to grow, unite or to retain anger and self doubt. The choice is ALWAYS ours to make, in every moment.? Written - 1st August 2016 (Resharing).. This continuous wave of awakening.. raise … Continue reading Awakening waves..