Blog & Musings

Bringer of light.. choosing to go within..

Be around the light bringers.. choose to break open and do the inner work.. embrace all that we can to help oursleves grow beyond our imagination and what our sub conscious 'allows' through conditioning..

MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. ‘UNION’

MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. 'UNION' Patanjali wisdom shared and explored.. This morning again I am awake early before everyone else rises, just enjoying BEING and the energy of the sun rising, my inner knowing that we are not seperate, and that we are about to experience the most incredible shift in consciousness.. together. … Continue reading MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. ‘UNION’

Financial collapse – Brings equilibrium & emancipation..

As per conscious awareness of the collapse of the old paradigm.. this is not fear though but fact, its just what we will allow ourselves to 'see' as individuals. The current uprising though for me isn't to stop it, its meant to happen to create a world we do want to live in.  We shouldn't … Continue reading Financial collapse – Brings equilibrium & emancipation..

Avoidance or rebalance?

We are seeing many people being triggered now to finally release that which is holding them back and if we are really on the journey to keep raising vibration, then we will see this in ourselves too. There are so many scenioros playing out rapidly now amongst ourselves, that have huge potential for clearing, growth, … Continue reading Avoidance or rebalance?

Solstice vibration..

Hi everyone..Just posting below to share some of the Glen Energy and Summer Solsitice vibration.. I am sure with the past 3 weeks energy and alignments, you will be feeling into much that is rising within you, and because of your awareness you will hopefully recognise that if you consciously focus on this them you … Continue reading Solstice vibration..

Natural living.. regain our health & wellbeing..

Having had the privilege to enter a tribal village 20+ years ago,  my first time to visit and work in India.  I witnessed how they lived literally a totally self sufficient life, they ate from the land and forest/woods behind them, wild animals  and I even witnessed the authentic TRUTH of what nature can do.  … Continue reading Natural living.. regain our health & wellbeing..

As we allow change.. we evolve..

This was a post I wrote back in 2016, but may well resonate for many now taking this conscious journey. The shifts have at times been uncomfortable for many.. mainly as we resist change.. As we allow change.. we evolve and 'shed' our skin many times.. allowing us to raise higher.. release old beliefs, fear … Continue reading As we allow change.. we evolve..

Full Moon.. energy update


Aligning to #bekind to ourselves will allow our capacity to do so, more deeply for others. This emotional full moon will have stirred 'old' feelings to rise to the top and 'spill' over,  often as a release and awareness of what is sub conciously still controlling our reactions.  So too, is are conscious awareness of … Continue reading Full Moon.. energy update