MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. ‘UNION’

MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. 'UNION' Patanjali wisdom shared and explored.. This morning again I am awake early before everyone else rises, just enjoying BEING and the energy of the sun rising, my inner knowing that we are not seperate, and that we are about to experience the most incredible shift in consciousness.. together. … Continue reading MEDITATION | YOGA is the vehicle.. ‘UNION’

Avoidance or rebalance?

We are seeing many people being triggered now to finally release that which is holding them back and if we are really on the journey to keep raising vibration, then we will see this in ourselves too. There are so many scenioros playing out rapidly now amongst ourselves, that have huge potential for clearing, growth, … Continue reading Avoidance or rebalance?

As we allow change.. we evolve..

This was a post I wrote back in 2016, but may well resonate for many now taking this conscious journey. The shifts have at times been uncomfortable for many.. mainly as we resist change.. As we allow change.. we evolve and 'shed' our skin many times.. allowing us to raise higher.. release old beliefs, fear … Continue reading As we allow change.. we evolve..

Full Moon.. energy update


Aligning to #bekind to ourselves will allow our capacity to do so, more deeply for others. This emotional full moon will have stirred 'old' feelings to rise to the top and 'spill' over,  often as a release and awareness of what is sub conciously still controlling our reactions.  So too, is are conscious awareness of … Continue reading Full Moon.. energy update

Honest reporting?

When main stream media start to 'talk' about what is collectively going on.. (a link below), it will raise an eyebrow to those whom have known and aware of the process now, and to also 'see' it with caution to WHY now.. All is well.?? for those of us that have been aligned and sharing … Continue reading Honest reporting?

Days off, freedom & moon energy.

A lovely day off, in the fresh air and sunshine, absorbing the moon energy consciously choosing to honour the libra balance, process & ignite the Aries fire energy for fueling my passion and movement forward. A change is always good and keeps us aligned. Letting go, releasing is part of allowing in the new, and … Continue reading Days off, freedom & moon energy.


HAPPY HOLI...I have so many good memories of celebrating Holi in India.. my 1st experience was a bit naive as I was working there for a tour operator and driving past in full uniform on my company transport (a moped) and having from every direction paint thrown at me.. with such delight, laughter and appreciation … Continue reading HAPPY HOLI..

Just checking in with you..

UPDATE.. and check in with you all to say hi ? Am I missing India yet?.. yes just a bit.. and the sunshine.. yes a lot! But I know my calling is HERE.. for now! (Thankfully I chose it before the global manic behaviour kicked in).?? Anyway.. A nourishing of the soul week for me, … Continue reading Just checking in with you..

Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

Wishing everyone a happy solstice & Grand Conjunction - Aquarian energy! Poignant energy for the raise in vibration of this transformational year 2020.?? Due to the alignments of Saturn & Jupiter, normally aligned in earth signs but for the first time in 200 years also in air (aquarius). This is a significant day and one … Continue reading Solstice & Grand Conjunction.. embrace the shift into BEING.

Rise & Shine.. :-)

ALL IS WELL.. as we continue to see the 'old paradigm' show itself through illusion bring lifted continually.. remembering its not about the actual situation, rule, drama.. its about how we react or respond.. We can have felt angry, emotional and a deep release this past 2 days specifically Friday as the Saturn and Jupiter … Continue reading Rise & Shine.. 🙂